A Touch of Disney….

Hello friends..

It is so hard to keep up with my, Miss Kayla’s blog. Mom has been trying to get this post done now for a good 3 weeks now but she is finally done. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well.. 
Mom took me, Miss Kayla to A Touch of Disney and it was so much fun.

Note: Both mom and I are mostly staying home 90% of the time due to me being high risk. Mom has taken me to a few things where protocols are strictly in place, enforced and people there respect and follow them so its a very safe experience for me and her. We don’t go out into the general everyday public unless its a medical necessity which I am still doing a lot of my medical appts via telehealth which I, Miss Kayla will be honest, I LOVE my appts this way. No one messes with me, I don’t have to wear a mask, etc 🙂

Ok, let’s get to this fun post.. 🙂 

So A Touch of Disney is Disney’s way of having a food festival kinda like Knotts that I went to on Thanksgiving. I, Miss Kayla was so excited to just be going I just couldn’t wait to go. It seem like it was taking us FOREVER to get going. 

Mom heard how crazy it was at opening people arriving hours early to wait outside the entrance to get into California Adventure Land where A Touch of Disney was being held, otherwise known as where Mickey Mouse is. Mom decided we would leave in the afternoon and get there around 2pm to enter well after it started to avoid the crowds at the entrance. I, Miss Kayla really didn’t agree with her, but what was I to do. 

Google maps decided to take us on another wild goose chase to the parking lot they reserved for this event. Luckily for this really nice Disney employee, he told us just how to get there from where Google maps directed us to. Google expected us to drive through a chain link fence and then through a wall to get to the parking garage. Lol. Silly google maps. We got to the parking garage and mom was only willing to park on the ground level (elevators are off limits for us) so we can stroll straight to Mickey’s place without elevators and without strolling down multiple levels in a garage. It was great, there was a ton of disabled parking spots on the first floor so no problem. Yay. Mom had a backup plan if the ground level was full or even the first level up but we didn’t need plan B. 

We got out of the car and mom put on my, Mickey mask but I protested it a tad as we started strolling through the “maze” to security, pass the fancy cars and Downtown Disney to California Adventure Land entrance. It was a nice stroll, just really long and definitely more people doing what we did – waiting till later to go. We were just about ready to enter the first security area to get checked out when I, Miss Kayla saw Mickey and w a mask on. Oh I, Miss Kayla so had to get a photo with Mickey, both of us having our masks on… 🙂

Yeah, Mickey it’s the pits having to wear a mask, huh… but I have to if I want to see u… 

Continuing on to the entrance….

Almost there….

Yay, we are now in the park.. Ok, where is Mickey??? 

We decided to head through the Grizzly area. Mom heard that Chip n Dale are in the forest in Grizzly country so we shall see.

With our tickets we got free photos where cast members use their camera to take your photo at certain locations. Since this one didn’t have a line we decided to get a quick photo.

And here too.. 🙂 

Then mom took one of me, Miss Kayla. Mom takes too many photos.. 

I, Miss Kayla am so glad we went on this day because it was hot (almost too warm) so I got to wear my fancy shoes that I got for our April 2020 cruise that we had to cancel. I am so sad that cruising may no longer be something we can do anymore because I LOVE cruising and wanted to see other countries!! 🙁  We shall see what the future holds, but for now, back to Mickeys place. 🙂 

We went through Grizzly country with no signs or Chip N Dale so we will have to come back later… We continued on and saw Goofy fishing from the deck across the way.. He has a buddy there with him, but he was hiding somewhere..

So mom really wanted to get me something and earlier when we first got to the park she tried to order me a Dole Whip as I have never had one, nor has mom, but they weren’t available to mobile order so we found some ice cream for me. Mom placed an order and we headed that way to pick it up, etc. Well, the lines were crazy for picking it up. We waited in the first line since we felt safe and such but then when we had to go to the second line (who knew) mom was like never mind its just too long and this isn’t a good idea so we canceled our order and moved on and strolled through some of Cars Land. 

We came across Ghirardelli and mom nor I, Miss Kayla have ever had anything from Ghirardelli even with all those trips to San Francisco, yep, not there either.. 

Mom got me, Miss Kayla an Ocean Beach Sundae. My first true sundae and pretty much moms too.  We only ate about 1/8 – 1/4 of it.. Too much sugar.. 

While we walked/strolled through Cars Land, mom found us the perfect spot away from everyone else to safely remove our masks and eat my sundae. 

It was really good…

I, Miss Kayla now LOVE these kind of events because they are so much fun especially when we can get food safely, find a hiding spot somewhere away from everyone to remove our masks and eat. Mom is good at that. Surprisingly, the menu choices were odd and just not much of a variety especially for me, but mom still found a few things, and a few new things for me and her as well. 🙂

Mom keeps wanting to bring my blender to puree food for me because I love eating different things just like you but she hasn’t yet.

Back to our Mickey day.. 🙂

Mom and I, Miss Kayla came across Max and Goofy again.. 

They waved at mom and me 🙂 

Continuing on we came across this scene, but still no live Mickey Mouse.. 

We came across Joy from Inside Out… Its been so long since I have seen that movie so I need to rent it and watch it again.. 

Ok, I must come back when DCA opens up because they have a new carousel theme and this is my favorite carousel to go on so.. 

Doesn’t that look fun??? I, Miss Kayla can’t wait.. Its been a few years since I have been to DCA and Disneyland as it is..

OK, so when we got to DCA mom went to order us a Dole Whip as we heard it was popular especially on hot days like today, but the next time available to pick up a Dole Whip was like 6:45pm. Mom still placed the order. Well, we were strolling by the place and the mobile order line was really long and the walk up order window was super short like two people in line so mom said lets get in line. It went really fast and we stayed extra distance from the person in front of us. Mom did let me take my mask off for a few minutes as I was starting to protest it a tad in line.. There was more than enough space from person in front of us  and mom had me off on the side as well so it was safe.. Plus wind was blowing opposite of me so even safer. 🙂

Then mom found us a really safe place to eat it. There was no one around and it was in the shade so really nice location just down from the Dole Whip place.
Ok, so what have mom and I been thinking all these years by never getting a Dole Whip ever before??? Well, I  know there was always a long line to get one so that turned us off. But now, we will make sure we get one every time we come because they are so good especially on hot days like today. 🙂 Knotts needs to have them as well (they don’t though).  Even my tongue turned yellow. We got the swirl – pineapple/lemon together. 

So continuing on our search for Mickey Mouse and any other characters we came across a semi indoor/outdoor store so mom let me, Miss Kayla go in to do some shopping. I got a few things from two different outdoor type stores.  I liked all the colors… 🙂

This is what I got from two different shopping places there.. 🙂 Blanket, shirt, sweatshirt and socks.. 

Well, guess what??!! I, Miss Kayla FINALLY finds Mickey Mouse.. Yay!! Oh and have I told you how I LOVE this social distancing meets with characters? I do! And the cast members don’t tell you where any are so you have to find them on your own which is fun too. Our friend came here before us so she was able to let us in on some of their locations and time she saw them.. 🙂 Mom had me first facing Mickey and we waved at each other, threw each other a kiss and signed “I LOVE YOU”.. Then mom turned me around to get a photo with Mickey. 

We were walking around some more.. Mom liked the lighting so she took a couple of me in front of the Mickey Wheel. 

Then I, Miss Kayla found Minnie Mouse in the same spot that I saw Mickey. Since I was strolling by, I decided to say hello to Minnie Mouse.. 🙂 

Then Minnie Mouse called Mickey Mouse over and I got to say hello to both of them at the same time.. I LOVED seeing Mickey again.. 🙂 

Mom placed an order earlier for something a bit more healthy for me, so it was time to pick it up. That was the perfect time because places that had food was much less crowded than earlier so it made the whole process much more safe for us. 

I, Miss Kayla got some tomato soup. It was really good. Mom even liked it despite not liking Tomato soup in general but she said it was really good. It came with a grilled cheese sandwich which I couldn’t eat, but mom had a few bites of it as it wasn’t the greatest.  And mom found us a little hiding place diagonally across from Goofy and Max where most people won’t want to try to see them from here when there are better viewing spots so mom figured we would be safe to eat here.. Max was hiding, again.. 🙂  

Because mom had to use her phone so much for things in park and photos, moms phone died. She even tried to turn it off for a little bit to see if it would recharge a tad on its own as some things actually do that. It did, but not enough to take a full photo. It started to, but would die just after hitting the “take photo” button. Mom was bummed as she really wanted photos of DCA at night so we saw Daisy just after moms phone died. Mom got the courage up to ask this nice lady if she could take a photo of Daisy and I and then text it to mom. The lady did and mom was so grateful. Aren’t these social distancing photos cool.. I, Miss Kayla probably couldn’t really see Daisy, but it was still fun.. 

Then we walked by the Dole Whip place again and how could we resist not getting another one, the best thing ever so we did. We strolled right up to the order window and got a Dole Whip. 🙂 We got just the lemon one this time. And we went back to our special spot to eat it. It was a little chilly by now but it still tasted good. Well, the first few bites I, Miss Kayla wasn’t too keen – maybe too cold??? maybe too tangy/sour??? IDK, but then I really enjoyed it and ate a lot of it. Mom had some too.. I can’t wait to return so I can have another one. Mom was really ready for some healthy food – Disney just didn’t have much in terms of quick service ordering or the lines were just too long and mobile ordering wasn’t available or too late. Mom did eat a good healthy breakfast knowing this would be the case so no biggie. 

We continued strolling around seeing what we see.. We went back through Grizzly Country and got a glimpse of Chip and Dale in the forest  with some rope but was heading back in. Moms phone was dead so couldn’t get a pic. 
I LOVED being out at sunset time as it got dark and the lights came home. Mom purposely put us in the back part of the park at that time so we could enjoy a slow leisurely stroll out and see all the lights as the park closed just at dusk. Oh and mom let me go back into the one outdoor semi indoor store to get a cupcake to bring home to have the next day or two. Yay, I was excited to get a Mickey cupcake. 🙂 

We stopped on the bridge to have this nice couple take a photo of us and then text it to moms phone. The gal was so nice and took several. There was just a tad too many people around for mom to feel comfortable taking off our masks so we kept them on. I, Miss Kayla was quite tired by then but loved being out so late. 

It was pretty empty til we got closer to the entrance, Buena Vista St then there was a lot of people but for the most part we were able to social distance. Just not many others were willing to but mom did her best to do so. It was a nice evening for a stroll back to the parking lot. Most people turned off to go other directions which was nice, but still a good amount heading to the parking garage like us. 

Such a fun day and I, Miss Kayla didn’t fight mom at all with my mask. I did sooooo GOOD mom said.. She was so proud of me.. Well, when I get to see Mickey I will do whatever it takes.. 🙂

Until next time…

Miss Kayla


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