America’s Got Talent…….

All pics are with our phone..

I, Miss Kayla loves watching Americas Got Talent every season. Most seasons I have only liked bits and pieces and that was still the case this past season, but it was one of the better seasons that I happened to enjoy a lot more than any other. So one evening towards the end of the season they advertised that the winner and finalists would perform live in Las Vegas this November. Well, mom decided she just had to look into it to see if it was doable to take me and sure enough she got us tickets to go see it. I, Miss Kayla needed to check off “see Las Vegas show” so what better way than to do that with Americas Got Talent! 🙂

I was going to go to my adult day program on Friday and mom would pick me up just before lunch so we could get on the road but at the last minute mom decided to keep me home that morning to chill out and try to get on the road even earlier than planned. I got a shower and mom did my toenails. I, Miss Kayla loved it and I totally let mom do everything without any resistance. Usually just cutting my toenails is the only time I resist due to sensitivity but nope, not this time. Not a single resistance. I really wanted them done. 🙂 It was going to be a special weekend plus it had been a while since my last manicure.

Anyway, we got ready, loaded up the car and headed out. There was a lot of traffic but not too many crazy drivers on the road like we had in July.

We arrived and got checked in. Another nice thing about this weekend is that our room was comped. We had some major issues with the Signature MGM in July during our stay so the manager comped us our room this weekend which was a nice balcony room. They called it a suite but didn’t look much different than the room we had in July except this one had a balcony which was really nice. We were on the 34th floor so it took mom a little bit of getting used to being so high up out on the balcony which she was able to turn her mind off and enjoy it. 🙂 The view was lovely. It was weird riding in the elevator for 34 floors especially when we didn’t have to pick up anyone else on a floor in-between.

We got to our room and I, Miss Kayla got out of my wheelchair to relax for a little while before we headed out to the strip.



On our way to the strip we went through the MGM Grand like we did in July and mom let me play a few minutes on the slot machine.  I, Miss Kayla won a little bit. I really like playing them and am very attentive.


We went a different direction that evening and thought maybe we would go into the M&M store but there was a fire so it was closed. However, that end of the strip had a lot of smokers – more so than in July. Actually, the entire weekend was more smokey on the stripe than in July so we now know not to go on a weekend. Even the other directions there was a lot including the fumes of mirajuana.. We tried to explore areas we didn’t in July to see new things which also included going in to a store I hadn’t been in yet. 🙂







Back at the hotel for the night. 🙂

The next morning I was tired but wanted to get up and do something which threw mom for a loop. She assumed (so wrong of her to do) that I would want to hang out until it was time to get ready for the show but nope, I, Miss Kayla was in traveling mode so I wanted to venture out so we did.

The weather/climate here in November is not the greatest for me even though mom loved it.

We thought we would head to the Las Vegas sign to see what that is all about and see what we see on the way.

Well, I just had to play some slots in the MGM but didn’t do too well (won a little) so I moved on.

We caught the monorail to Mandalay Bay and strolled from there.

Well, if you remember I did well on the slots at Mandalay Bay in July so mom let me play some this time there as well. I won (profit) $30 some as I started with $10. It was so much fun. I wish mom had pics of each win and the ending. And I won in less than 15 minutes which by then we were both ready to continue on. Plus you need to stop when you are well ahead like that :).

We started our journey to the sign and it was quite the distance and mom was getting concerned about the time. She wanted me to rest some before the show, etc. We got to about a block away from the sign and saw a TON of people at it and thought, this isn’t a good idea and we will come back another time. Plus from the looks of it, it wasn’t the kind of sign mom and I, Miss Kayla thought it was.  We turned around the started our stroll all the way back to our hotel and decided to skip the monorail this time. That was a great decision because we strolled through the front part of Mandalay Bay which I, Miss Kayla loved. It was so cool.

Continuing on, the Luxor looks quite interesting so we want to check it out tomorrow or on our next trip back.

We made it back to our hotel and I got out of my chair for about a half-hour. Mom found out we should leave even earlier than we planned for the show especially since we were strolling there and wasn’t sure where to go.

Off we went.

We went this back route which was nice as we didn’t have to deal with the crowds on the strip and smoke. However, we took a sidewalk up the “driveway” to the parking area for Paris and all of a sudden the sidewalk ends at a steep set of stairs going up into the side of the building so we had to go onto the “driveway” which was a little scary as people especially taxis fly in and out that long stretch of driveway. We made it safe and sound though as we didn’t have to stroll far.

What a great hotel. I am surprised we skipped exploring it last time. The architecture is beautiful and has some funny sounding birds that hang out in the bushes/trees. Lol.

The inside of the hotel is so cool. We found where we needed to go but there was no way I, Miss Kayla was going to tolerate the line and all the people. No thank you. So, since I had a separate entrance I didn’t have to wait in line – thank goodness and mom was able to stroll me around to explore Paris Hotel until it was almost time for the show to start. Such a beautiful and interesting hotel.

It got to the point that I figured out what we were doing and so I, Miss Kayla started to get anxious and not tolerating the “hanging out” anymore. I was also quite tired. Since the show was supposed to start in about ten minutes, mom slowly worked our way into the show and to our seats. I didn’t like what two-minute line I had to wait in for our usher to guide us to our seats, but I ended up going to sleep which mom thought was good as when I wake up I am usually all better. 🙂 The show was running a tad late, thank goodness.

The show was starting and mom did everything possible to wake me up, which she succeeded.

I ended up watching it even looking at the screen up on the wall next to us. I loved it and was very attentive.

After a good hour, they had an intermission. Mom took me for a short stroll and I fell asleep. Mom let me sleep through intermission but then she had a difficult time waking me up when the show started again. Mom finally got me, Miss Kayla awake just before the finale. I was glad I woke up for it as it was so good.

Mom is kind of bummed as she didn’t take any pics of the violinist kid; Tyler, but here is a video.

Afterward, we went back to the hotel for a short bit

before we headed back out for the Paris hotel to go up to the observatory deck in the Las Vegas version of the Eiffel Tower. Here is a photo that mom captured from our hotel balcony before we left. Sunset was pretty that evening.

Mom, I am ready…

On our way to the Eiffel Tower mom let me go into a store and get something. I, Miss Kayla have $ from my job that I do at home so… So here I am out on the town and shopping. 🙂

We tried to reserve a time in advance but they wouldn’t let us since I was in a wheelchair. They only allow one wheelchair up at a time and so it was first come first serve. We got to the counter to purchase our tickets and then had to hang out to keep an eye on the elevator for when the person in the wheelchair that was up there when we arrived comes out so we can grab the next spot. I did well waiting as mom kept me strolling in the area where we always had a visual on the elevator. It was crazy and not a good system, but what are you going to do. We asked to be called, text something as it wasn’t healthy for me to hang out where they wanted us to so I needed to be outside until it was time to go. Anyway, mom and I, Miss Kayla went up and I loved it ! It was so much fun and the elevator drivers were very considerate of my wishes to not crowd me in.

Ever since the 1994 Earthquake mom doesn’t like heights. As we were going up the Eiffel Tower mom was trying to not think of what we were doing and such which mom is pretty good at, but mom said her feet and legs kept feeling numb and tingling as if the height issue was affecting her in that way. Mom said it was so weird, a weird sensation. After a short bit on the deck, mom was okay and I loved it. Such gorgeous views, but once again, my viewing height is right where the main railing is so I had a hard time seeing. Mom tried to get a photo of me and we even tried to do a selfie but I was having so much fun that I wasn’t about to hold still long enough for a photo. Lol.

   Afterward, we walked over to the Bellagio Fountains to check them out again. Mom kept me back a tad from the railing since it wasn’t too crowded and I could see them when the fountains went above the railing. I, Miss Kayla seem to watch them mom said. 🙂

We strolled for a little while longer heading towards the Mirage to maybe see the Volcano but it was just too crowded and fumey so we didn’t get too far. While strolling mom and I stopped for a drink (mom had a strawberry margarita and I got a strawberry virgin daiquiri which I loved and was my first one).  Guess what, I, Miss Kayla even got carded just to go in the boundaries of the outdoor drink station. I also got carded in the casino too so I started to carry my ID on my tray in my hand :). I think I forgot to mention that earlier in my blog. 🙂

Mom loves the Cesar Palace Hotel which is on the way to the Volcano but with the crowds, fumes, and all the detours in this area to get to the Volcano we decided to not explore Cesars Palace and continue to the Volcano but to just go back to our hotel for the night.

So the next morning I, Miss Kayla needed to cash in my winnings so we went to the casino in the MGM Grand (next door) in hopes to be able to cash it there but since it was from Mandalay Bay casino we had to stroll all the way over there to cash it out. Ok, so off we went. We caught the tram again from Excalibur.

I was able to cash out and then mom and I went through the front entrance to Mandalay Bay on our way back to our hotel since we didn’t do the tram. I love this hotel front. 🙂

We went a different way back to our hotel which took us in front of a hotel with an interesting scene to grab a photo of. 🙂

Then we entered the MGM Grand to stroll through to our hotel which is connected to it. Then we headed out to get our car to head home, but

we first stopped at Rosa’s in Temecula for some good Mexican food. I couldn’t handle the noise level and semi crowd inside the restaurant so after a few minutes of sitting in there mom decided it was best for us to leave and she could eat in the car on the way home.

My cruise trip and update on life is coming up very soon. Mom has already started on it, plus the finish to my last minute road trip.. 🙂
Until then…. 


Miss Kayla


Miss Kayla’s Blog: ….. 

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