Cabo San Lucas day… Disney Pandemic Cruise… day 3…

Yay, morning had arrived and mom is hoping we can get on the tender boat to go into Cabo San Lucas because I, Miss Kayla was not taking no for an answer… I LOVE to get off in ports and go exploring.. But I understand if Captain Mickey says I can’t, but look at the sea conditions and the weather – can’t be any more perfect.. 🙂

And see all the cute tender boats just waiting for clearance to start tendering people from the other side into Cabo.. 🙂

But first mom says we must have breakfast.. They delivered our breakfast that included my special breakfast.. I, Miss Kayla was too excited to eat but I did eat some.. 🙂

Breakfast was done so we headed up to the lounge to meet Glenn who was going to take us down to the tender boat. Glenn took a couple of pics of the area where you get on the tender from Mickeys ship and then stopped by our cabin early this morning to show mom so mom could see if it would be an issue. That was very kind of him to do since our cabin was wayyyyy out of his way.. Mom said it looks doable and she was determined to make it work with permission… We had a couple of options.. We got to the lounge a tad early so we checked out their bakery, but didn’t get anything and then hung out a few minutes since no one else was there. I, Miss Kayla loves to hang in the lounge.

I, Miss Kayla decided I did want something to eat so they gave mom a yogurt for me. I had quite a bit of it there in the lounge.. 🙂

We decided it was so nice out that we explored the top deck to take in all the views of Cabo until its time for us to go down to the tender..

A lady was kind enough to offer to take our photo… It was really warm so mom realized I, Miss Kayla needs a hat… Mom didn’t think  to  bring  one  -now  she  knows…  🙂

Yay, it was time to finally head down to the gangway to catch the tender boat.. On our way to the elevator look at who we ran into??? Oh man, please Stitch, I, Miss Kayla has got to get to the gangway to catch my boat so please be quick…. Stitch being cute…

Cabo San Lucas has done very well with the pandemic. They have an extremely low transmission rate and protocols in place which people take very seriously…
I, Miss Kayla am so excited as I was able to get on to the tender boat no problem. It was even easier than what mom expected…

A few scenes on our way in….

Leaving the tender boat area behind me….

And on a mission to find me, Miss Kayla a hat… 🙂

Not far from port, we found a store with hats that was easy for mom and I, Miss Kayla to shop at without having to go inside.

The nice man gave me one that he just pulled out of the package so mom felt safe getting it for me to wear immediately.

Do you like my hat??? Its very stylish and surprisingly fit perfectly… They had so many different styles but most were too big..
Now we were off to see what we see and find a place to have lunch a little bit later…
We were told that the Cabo sign was a 15 minute walk from port so that was our mission… Yay..
Along the way mom took some pics…

There were several of these memorials… Each of them were unique and very colorful..

Mom was so grateful a nice lady, probably from our cruise, offered to take our photo because mom was struggling with a selfie.. Mom brought our stick to use but she couldn’t get it to work with our phone… Need to look into that as she isn’t crazy about others handling our phone (she wipes it down immediately after and such but still)..

I, Miss Kayla came across these two stores that reminded me of my favorite store in Morro Bay where the doors are like garage doors style creating a large opening. It almost covers the entire wall on that one side.. And since there was no one in there but two employees both with masks on, mom decided to let me do some quick shopping.. Yay, I loved it! I got a shirt and magnet. Mom got a small coffee cup (kinda unique).

It was getting hot even for me, Miss Kayla. 80 degrees in Cali is not too hot for me, but here, its hot! So mom pulled my capris up into short length. Mom purposely didn’t put shorts on me because she didn’t think it was warm enough here, but now we know. This worked just fine though. 🙂
Next we were hungry for lunch so off to lunch we went. We had a recommendation from previous cruisers (the cruise we were supposed to first go on) for lunch so we found the place along the waterfront (the path we were on) and it worked out perfectly for us. There was a ramp and stairs that went up in the center of the restaurant separating it into two. The one side had a ton of people but the other side only had two employees enjoying their lunch towards the back so mom asked if we could sit on the quieter side. No problem… So we had that whole side to ourselves until about 5 minutes before we left when they sat two other couples in that area.

Lunch was so good.. Mom and I, Miss Kayla both had drinks (virgin of course) – I got a strawberry Daquiri and mom got a strawberry Margarita… So yummy and refreshing on this hot day.. Mom ordered shrimp tacos as I could eat the guacamole. She was going to order a side of guacamole for me, but I was too excited to eat much so she didn’t… She figured if I really wanted it she could get it for me later. The meal was huge and mom had a hard time finishing it but she said it was really good and I can say the guacamole was.. 🙂

The food is always so fresh and good in Mexico per mom.. She misses it when at home…

Back to strolling the area around the marina and such… We were going to stroll down this one path towards town just to see what we see but it was so bumpy that we decided not to. It did have a really nice breeze along that path… Back to the marina shoreline path.. 🙂

We went down this side path to just about before the men having their lunch when we turned around..

Well, we had been in Cabo for about 3 hours now and pretty much strolled everywhere we could so mom decided we should head back… This way we beat the crowd of other cruisers if there even is… On our way back to the dock we ran into my, Miss Kaylas friend Brijen. Remember how I mentioned him before and said you would see a pic of us later in the blog.. Well, here it is.. This is Brijen from India. He gave us a cold towel again.. 🙂 It felt really good. He also gave us both some water which I had a little bit of.

And here is my tender boat I am taking back to Mickeys ship.. The first boat they sent us to, the crew (all female) wasn’t sure how to handle me & my chair, so mom took me back up to the dock and asked for another boat which turned out to be this one and much better.. Not everyone is going to know and that is okay…

Ok friends…. Mom and I, Miss Kayla are going through our photos to prepare this post and guess what??? Guess what I saw in a photo??? Yep, A TURTLE!! Can you believe it?! Sea Turtle… It was so close to us AND on my side of the boat yet no one said a word! Man.. And yes, I am going to count it as my first sea turtle sighting! 🙂 🙂 🙂 So here is the full image and then mom cropped the turtle out to show a closer shot of it in the red square. It is the closest she could do without making it pixelated as then you won’t be able to see it well. And this is with our iPhone…

Do you know what night it is on Mickeys Ship???? PIRATES NIGHT….. 🙂
So we went back to our cabin to get ready for Pirates night.. And Cabo San Lucas must have known as well because as we pulled into the marina on our tender boat there was this ship docked there… 

Mom had us take a little break first before getting ready…. During our break Captain Mickey pulled out of Cabo San Lucas and started heading back to San Diego…

Here I, Miss Kayla am in my Pirate outfit.. I LOVE dressing up! It was really windy out, but the sea looked so beautiful…

As we were heading to dinner (YEP, I, Miss Kayla am NOT missing another dinner in a restaurant) we ran into Minnie… Mickey was behind her visiting with guests on that side, but then Minnie asked Mickey to come and join her. We were all in our Pirate outfits!

Then we ran into Captain Hook… Ok, fine… I, Miss Kayla am not too crazy about him…

Then there was Goofy in his Pirate outfit..
I, Miss Kayla and mom too really enjoy the characters being at a distance.. I am not crazy about the mask wearing as you can’t always see my smile or other expressions… I really hope Disney keeps this protocol in place forever…

And of course, Stitch.. I, Miss Kayla didn’t mind Stitch on this cruise.. 🙂

Oh finally, we were off to dinner… Yay! We are eating in Tiana’s Place tonight..

One of my, Miss Kayla’s waiters took me, Miss Kayla the Pirate Girl to my table…

Ya know, my service team was like, “what happened to you guys last night?”… I, Miss Kayla the Pirate Girl was like, “um don’t look at me, it was all moms’ idea but don’t worry we are eating dinner in the restaurants the rest of our cruise”…

Laszlo, Gilbert and Zaldy are our servers.

I, Miss Kayla the Pirate Girl got my meal pretty quick… Chicken and veggies with some type of Pirate sauce/gravy… Mom had some Pirate dish, but honestly, either of us can remember the name of it and we have no pics.. Of course, I got my, Miss Kayla the Pirate Girl Coffee Gelato that evening and it was all so yummy.. I had a difficult time eating at first because I was so excited to be there…

The napkins were folded in a way that it reminded mom of her grandma Judy (my great grandma)..

Instead of the typical Pirate night show out on the deck both adult like show and then the Pirate character show some of the staff dressed up as Pirates and did a skit during dinner. I never cared for the adult like Pirate show, but I LOVED the character Pirate show so I miss that.. I couldn’t really see the show they did during dinner, but that is ok. Mom said I didn’t miss much. Still a great evening..

Laszlo, one of my, Miss Kayla the Pirate Girl servers gave me this chocolate shake to take with us when we left. That was so nice of him.. And it was yummy… Mom and I had some of it back in our cabin.. We were so full from dinner..

It was still windy out but luckily it was from behind us when it mattered…  We went to watch the Lion King on the outside movie screen until it was time to go to the Broadway Show. Brijen gave me a blanket, two actually to use. Mom put the one on top of my head to help block the wind coming from behind me so my head didn’t get cold. It was chilly out.. I LOVED watching the movie out there..

Glenn came and got us to take us to the theater for the Broadway Show of Dreams.. Mom and I, Miss Kayla the Pirate Girl thought it was good but a tad long drawn out.
Goofy came out to do a skit which mom was able to grab a quick photo to show we were there.. 🙂 They hadn’t announced no photography, videography, etc yet so..

Mom and I, Miss Kayla the Pirate Girl went back to our cabin after the show.  We entered our cabin and we didn’t have an animal on our bed or anywhere that we could see. Mom was bummed as was I. Then a few minutes later as mom was getting our stuff ready to go to our sleeping cabin there it was, the Monkey hanging… Ya know, it was right in front of us, straight ahead of us when we entered the cabin, but didn’t see it. Lol… Oh silly mom..

I seem tired so mom thought it would be too much for me to stay up until 10:45pm to watch the fireworks even though I LOVE fireworks. Mom didn’t think I would stay awake so we didn’t stay up for them. 🙁
Well guess what.. I was wide awake in bed at the time they went off. I heard them, but mom was hoping I didn’t know what they were and felt bad she didn’t take me to go see them. So the first Disney cruise I slept through them and now this cruise mom didn’t take me because she thought I wouldn’t be awake for them… Ya know, she tells everyone its wrong to assume and when you do, you are usually 99.99999% wrong – well guess what, mom………. So I told mom she needs to take me on another Disney cruise so I, Miss Kayla the Pirate Girl can actually see Mickeys fireworks!
Until next time… Next day post is coming soon.. 🙂
Miss Kayla


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