Disney Pandemic Cruise….. day 2…

We couldn’t have asked for better sea conditions as they were so calm, no wind, just perfect… Well Captain Mickey had other plans creating the “oh what a night on Mickey’s ship”… The main downfall on this cruise so lets just mention it and get it over with… Captain Mickey decided to run that fifth engine that Disney is known to do to stay on schedule, make up time, etc… Oh, Mickey, what are you thinking?!?! This is not the time to be in aft, but in order for us to have a wheelchair accessible cabin with a balcony, aft is our only option. This was one concern mom had when booking this cruise. Even when Captain Mickey runs just the four engines you get vibration, noise in the aft of the ship but tolerable even for me. Well with the fifth engine it is beyond vibration and a lot of noise one needs ear plugs. You can’t sit or lay down without your body feeling the intense vibration. Our room steward showed up at our door last night after we got back and said that he went to a manager and mentioned to them that no one can sleep under these conditions can you please assign these ladies a sleeping cabin. Mom or I, Miss Kayla had any idea he was doing this for us as we never mentioned anything about the issue (yet). Mom tries to not mention/complain unless it starts to negatively effect me which she probably would have had to do by morning to one of our main staff people. So they gave us a sleeping cabin, thank goodness because mom said we had same issue on our first Disney cruise and it increased my, Miss Kaylas seizures and made it difficult for me to get any sleep so she was very grateful for what he did. Well, our sleeping cabin was at the start of the aft section as they didn’t want to put us too far from our cabin since my wheelchair wouldn’t fit through the sleeping cabin door. My wheelchair was just an inch barely too wide. So every night mom took me to the sleeping cabin, put me on the bed then brought my wheelchair back to our main cabin and then came back to where I was. Vice versa in the morning. Hassle, yes, but worth it. The vibration was still there, but ten times better allowing us to sleep some. I, Miss Kayla slept better than mom, but that is all that mattered to keep me stable. So here I am in our sleeping cabin…

Captain Mickey ran that 5th engine from about 6pm to 10am daily. This is one main reason why we are not keen on going on Disney. If we ever go again, we will opt for a non balcony cabin to get forward/middle but its hard for us to give up the balcony. This is also why we won’t sail other lines in aft as its an issue at times and don’t want to chance it BUT other lines have balcony cabins that are wheelchair accessible all across their ship. Let’s get back to the good, fun stuff, shall we?? 🙂

Day 2 on Mickey Ship.. First Sea Day…

Mom got my wheelchair and I, Miss Kayla in it to go back to our cabin so we could get on with our day. I, Miss Kayla was tired but ready for a fun day on Mickeys’ ship. Yay!!

Our breakfast was delivered shortly after arriving back to our cabin so we had breakfast. They made me, Miss Kayla a tropical fresh fruit yogurt with scrambled egg. It was so yummy.. Mom just had a basic breakfast. Oh, you can see Cubby is joining me at the table along with our Penguin towel animal. We had all these chairs so..

Finally, it was time for us to get dressed… The sooner we get dress the sooner I, Miss Kayla can get out on Mickeys ship to explore especially on this gorgeous sea day.. I also needed to see what was happening and mom says I get to go shopping today in Mickeys store! I let mom do my hair in a braid..

I, Miss Kayla and mom headed out… I bet you know exactly where we went to first?! 🙂 YEP, shopping but guess what? We ran into some Princesses, Mickey & Minnie..

Now, I, Miss Kayla am off to do some shopping.. A girl must get her shopping done especially on Mickeys ship on the very first sea day.. Since I loved wearing my Mickey Mouse costume ears, I decided I wanted to buy some to wear on Mickeys ship. Why not?! I, Miss Kayla has a new hobby – collecting and wearing Mickey ears every time I do something Disney.. Oh I wonder what mom will say?? 🙂

After shopping we were on our way back to our cabin to drop off my bag when we ran into Donald & Daisy. Grabbed a quick photo with my new Mickey ears on.

As I, Miss Kayla was passing this lounge I wanted to check out what was going on inside so mom said, “ok, we will”. When I look in one direction and leave my head in that position I am interested in what is going on or want to go that direction, etc. Mom always tries to respond to this when I do it as I rarely do. So… it was a drawing lesson that was going on, almost over. We only stayed a couple of minutes then continued on.

Dropped my bag off at the cabin and realized it was time for a Dole Whip!! I, Miss Kayla LOVES Dole Whip so I just had to check them out on Mickeys ship. That kinda makes up for Vanelopes Gelato Parlor I had on the Dream several years ago. That is like the best place ever!! Ok, back to Dole Whip on Mickeys ship.. I got to meet Tony who made me my Dole Whip..

Next I, Miss Kayla decided to go check out the lounge since we had yet to… On our way, we ran into this photo shoot set up…

I, Miss Kayla LOVED being outside on this gorgeous day…

I, Miss Kayla and mom finally made it up to the lounge which meant time for MY next snack.. 🙂

I, Miss Kayla got this parfait yogurt then mom blended the yogurt with the chocolate treat for me. It was so yummy. Mom just had water and some of the parfait yogurt. Since no one else was inside the lounge area and there was great air circulation mom let me eat in there. I, loved hanging out in the lounge..

Here is a photo of my, Miss Kayla’s other planning team helping me make sure my needs are met, helping us to shows, getting on/off Mickeys ship, sleeping cabin, meals, dining rotation, room service from restaurants, etc. They were wonderful people and we were glad to get to know them..

After I, Miss Kayla was done eating it was time to go up another deck to the sunroof to check out the views and hang for a while.. I, Miss Kayla got to up on the lift (only way I could go up). It was pretty cool but I barely fit..

Oh, my friend, Brijon was always bringing me, Miss Kayla cold wet cloths to make sure I stayed cool.. You can see one in the photo below.. Or a blanket in case I was cold when the air was chilly.. You will see a photo of us later on in the blog..

It was getting really warm out and more people were arriving so mom decided it was time to leave.. We were there for quite some time. Back on the lift I went… 

Kinda like perfect timing…

Mom realized we hadn’t put up our door decorations – what???? That is like the first thing we do when we get on the ship and to our cabin.. 
On our way to the cabin we stopped to see the Halloween Tree.. Mom loves this tree as it was also at Give Kids the World Village.. But here on Mickeys ship it is all decorated for Halloween… 🙂 Pretty neat so mom got a photo of me, Miss Kayla in front of it..

Heading back to the elevator to get to our deck so we could go to our cabin guess who I, Miss Kayla ran in to??? Yep, that is right, Mickey & Minnie but this time escaping to the outdoors so guess what??? Yup, you got that right! I, Miss Kayla followed them (with permission) because outside meant I could take my mask off and get a quick photo with them..

Super quick photo…

Mickey & Minnie both LOVED my, Miss Kayla’s Mickey ears..

Mom let me watch them for a while before we headed back to our cabin. I LOVED watching them until they disappeared out of my sight..

We finally got back to our cabin to decorate our door… But first, look what I, Miss Kayla saw when I entered our cabin…. 🙂
Another animal towel and with Cubby… 🙂

I, Miss Kayla can not believe we had not done that yet. And guess what, we didn’t take photo of our door once it was done but here is a photo of it after we started putting some up.

Once my cabin door had all the magnets up that mom and I made there was hardly any room left for more.. I love this part of our cruise..

After about an hour or so, I, Miss Kayla was done with the cabin break and ready to head back out to see what all I was missing.. Not what mom had planned, but hey, its my cruise.. 🙂
I ran into Captain Mickey and had a good chat with him about that fifth engine stuff at night…
Then as we were heading to go outside we ran into Pluto and Goofy..

We made it outside…
I, Miss Kayla loves to be outside and it was such a nice evening to be…

I, Miss Kayla and mom decided to go up to another deck so we went inside to catch the elevator and ran into Chip n Dale..

Back outside on this nice evening I, Miss Kayla stopped to watch some of the outside movie… I LOVE to do this but can only do it around sunset or after dark when the screen is easier for me to see.. I couldn’t stay long as we had to get back to our room for dinner..

Well mom realized I, Miss Kayla will probably never have another chance to go into a bar and order a drink so…. Mom saw this bar was either closed or just very slow so she inquired.. They were just slow so mom decided to take me here to order my first drink as we could take it back to our room.. She did just that.. She asked for a non alcohol fruity drink.. It turned out to be a tropical fruity drink that was sooooo YUMMY… I waited very patiently and watched the bar tender make it.. 🙂

Ok, mom grabbed my drink and we dashed off to our cabin to get there in time for our dinner to be delivered as we were cutting it close.. 🙂
Ok, really mom?!?! We have to have dinner in our cabin tonight.. Ummmm, I, Miss Kayla am not fond of that idea… Mom, got me into my Mickey lounge clothes for the evening which I love, but mom, dinner in our cabin, really!?!?

Needless to say we did not order dinner in our room the rest of the cruise… 🙂 Mom had a delicious artichoke, spinach pasta (she rarely eats pasta) and I had chicken with veggies pureed and of course, my Coffee Gelato.. 🙂
Mom wanted me to wear my Frozen dress but I, Miss Kayla wasn’t in the mood especially since I couldn’t wear it to dinner in the restaurant so I stayed in my lounge comfy clothes. After dinner we left our cabin to go meet a CM to take us to the Broadway Show of Frozen.. 

We got up to Deck 10 early so I, Miss Kayla could watch some of the movie on the large outdoor screen until it was time to go see Frozen.

We are not allowed to take photo or video of the show (a good thing) so this is all I got.. They social distanced everyone, limited capacity and everyone had to wear a mask the entire time.

Such a great Broadway show..

Upon arriving back into our cabin we were greeted by this fella… Tomorrow mom is going to request our cabin steward only come in in the mornings. Seriously, there is just nothing for him to do (mom keeps it pretty tidy & clean) – well just the animal towels but we are good with one a day as I, Miss Kayla don’t think there is enough room around the table for them all.. 🙂

Mom got our stuff ready to go to our sleeping cabin.. It was late and we were both tired..
Until my next post (should be here quickly and its an exciting one)…
Happy Thanksgiving..
Miss Kayla

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