Disney Pandemic Cruise….. day 4 & disembark day…





Welcome back to our last sea day and last day on the ship as we arrive back into San Diego tomorrow..

Mom and I, Miss Kayla woke up early so mom got this photo of the sunrise. Yep the sun was rising… I know it threw me off too.. It was a pretty but windy and chilly morning..

Mom ordered from the breakfast card instead of the hot breakfast room service she has done the past few mornings. She just wanted a snack and coffee and had it out on the breezy chilly balcony.. I stayed in and watched my morning programs which included Mickey Mouse Clubhouse :)..

Shortly after, mom and I, Miss Kayla headed out to see what we see on Mickeys ship.. It was cold and windy so I stayed in warm Mickey loungewear. But on our way to going outside, when we got off the elevator we ran into Donald and Daisy so I just had to stop and say hello..

Mom saw that the Princesses were out across the way so I stopped there to say hello and to get a quick photo.

I, Miss Kayla loves it when the wind is hitting my face… Mom says this type isn’t good for me as it can make me sick so she has to limit my exposure especially when on a cruise..

Then guess who I ran into outside????

It was so windy so mom and I, Miss Kayla decided we will head up to the upper deck so I could get a Dole Whip as I was wanting something to eat but we ran into..

Before we went to the upper deck for my Dole Whip we went to our cabin to get my stuff so I can eat Dole Whip.. 🙂 When we got to our cabin we found an Elephant on my TV bed.

Ok, now we are heading up to the upper deck for my, Miss Kaylas Dole Whip… It will be my last one on Mickeys Ship…

It was sooo YUMMY but I think Mickeys place in Anaheim are better – just different… Still all of them are yummy..

We strolled some then went back to our cabin for a couple of hours. When we got back, Mom put Mr Elephant over by the TV since there really wasn’t any more room around the table.. Plus he looked good there.

While we were there, Gilbert our head server brought me, Miss Kayla my lunch.. I had no idea he was going to do that so I ate some of it a little bit later as I was full from my Dole Whip.

The time had finally come to where I, Miss Kayla gets all dressed up in my Elsa dress and wig. So, you have to excuse my wig because mom had no idea how to put it on me and secure it. And with how I move my head a lot, well, lets just say it was difficult to keep this wig on me. My other wigs fit differently and was easier to secure but this one was very different and no written instructions, well no instructions for that matter came with it. Mom did the best she could. Oh and mom doesn’t think blonde is for me, but I LOVED it!
Side note: I was supposed to wear this to the show Frozen, but it didn’t work out that way since the night we saw Frozen was our non restaurant night and I didn’t want to wear it just to the theater, I wanted to wear it to the restaurant for dinner so that happened tonight. 🙂

I, Miss Kayla was done getting ready for my elegant evening so mom and I decided to go up to the lounge to say hello to everyone before dinner.. We had time and hadn’t seen anyone all day. Well when we got off the elevator, look at who we ran into… Yep, Mickey and Pluto..

We came around to where the tree was and no one was there so mom decided to grab a photo of me in front of it..

Then I, Miss Kayla got my photo taken at one of the photo shoot sights since they were just setting up so no line yet..

Now we were off to the lounge via the windy outdoors to the other elevator but something caught my eye in the one lounge. They were playing Disney trivia

so mom inquired and found out there was another one happening later this evening so mom said we can go if I want to.

Yay, we finally made it to the lounge for one last visit.. Mom was able to find out how the process will work tomorrow disembarking.

After hanging out for a while it was time we started to head to dinner…

Yep, you got that right… We ran into

Continuing on our way to dinner…

We made it.. This is the cover of the menu at Triton’s…

One last photo with our wonderful restaurant server team…

Mom and I, Miss Kayla trying to decide what we will have for dinner… 🙂 Mom is a little off on framing us… Selfies are still a challenge.. lol..

Here is my, Miss Kayla’s dinner… carrots and chicken.. Well when I wasn’t too excited to eat I did eat some.. They always brought me so much even though mom said just a very small amount like a 1/2 cup is fine but they just wanted to always make sure I had enough. 🙂

Mom had chieken and veggies with some sauce. She forgot to get a photo…

And this is why I, Miss Kayla choose this restaurant for our last night…..


It was just nearly impossible to keep my wig on, mom had to keep repositioning it so we just left it off for the rest of the evening…

Yep, and guess what I, Miss Kayla had for dessert… My gelato, coffee flavor.. It was so yummy! I am going to miss it.

Our first cruise we were supposed to go on was over mom’s birthday but since we weren’t on that cruise, our server team still brought mom a birthday cake. It was yummy as mom let me have some..

We had just enough time to get to Disney Trivia.. Yay, we are going to play a game.. I, Miss Kayla was so excited. Ya know, usually we play Bingo on our cruises but mom was trying to limit our indoor exposure and being around others… This was actually better though than Bingo.. 🙂

 So when you walk in each person that is playing gets a number….

Waiting for everyone that wants to play to come in and get a number…. I, Miss Kayla kept opening my mouth so my mask would fall below my nose as I was protesting it..

Finally everyone was here that wanted to play so the game host went over how to play and all the rules before shaking the numbers in a container…

He then drew one. Guess whose number he drew and called out???? Yep!! You got that right!!

He drew MY, MISS KAYLA’S number!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Yay!!! I couldn’t believe it… Mom took me over to the microphone and put me in position to play.. I, Miss Kayla was so ready.. Well, of course with moms help. 🙂

Oh, mom wishes she remembered our 5 questions we had to answer to share with you all. We did really well actually.. Mom knew a couple of them and then a couple of them she went off how the audience reacted and one of them asked for help… Each question got more difficult.. Mom was surprised at how well we did..
And guess what??? We actually got all 5 of the questions correct! Yay, I, Miss Kayla won… I got a Disney Medallion..

Then two other people (one couple, one family) played as well. One of them won, the other one wasn’t as lucky)…Then the game was over and I, Miss Kayla got to see Mickey Mouse on the stage…

Heading back to our cabin we ran into Pluto sleeping on the couch like chair…. Mom missed the photo of Pluto sleeping but got the one of Goofy waking Pluto up as I, Miss Kayla was there..

After I, Miss Kayla saw Goofy and Pluto we went back to our cabin so we could pack up our stuff, get ready for bed and such.
The next morning was here and we had to get up early to get out of our cabin by a certain time.
We gathered our stuff and headed up to the lounge since that is where we were meeting to disembark. It was a chilly and foggy, but high fog morning..

Since the Wonder had a late clearance everything was running behind which was okay. It gave me, Miss Kayla time to have one last yogurt in the lounge before others arrived too. There were people in both other areas of the lounge (where I love to be) so mom opted right here so we wouldn’t be by others without masks on eating/drinking..

I, Miss Kayla only had a little bit of the yogurt as I am truly tired of yogurt.. I eat mostly that at home and now on Mickeys ship..

Looking out from the lounge

More people started to come in and mom was just about done with her coffee anyway so we decided to head outside to stroll the deck while we waited until it was time to disembark..
Well it was time to say good-bye to all the wonderful people and to Mickey.. The disembark process was smooth sailing, had to provide extra info at customs, grabbed our suitcase and a nice lady to help us with it to our car which was brought to the temporary parking spot in front of the port. Grabbed our keys and we were on our way home… It was kinda nice only being 25 minutes from home.. And thank goodness no traffic in our direction…

Until next time…
Miss Kayla


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