My, Miss Kayla’s 24th Birthday……..

My, Miss Kayla’s 24th Birthday….

The evening before my birthday, mom and I, Miss Kayla made birthday cupcakes… I helped mom pour ingredients into the bowl….

I used my switch to operate the mixer…

I tried to help put the paper cups into the pan.

Then I, Miss Kayla helped hold the pan while mom put the batter into the cups. Mom kept an empty cup so I could hold the pan for her. 🙂

Then mom did the frosting and I helped with the sprinkles.

Here are the finished cupcakes


So, I bet you all are wondering what mom and I, Miss Kayla are going to do with all these cupcakes. If it were up to me, Miss Kayla I would keep them all for me because they are sooooo YUMMY and I LOVED THEM!

But we had a better idea, although we did keep a few for me and mom.
Mom and I, Miss Kayla wanted to celebrate my birthday with a few friends… Well, I, Miss Kayla and mom put a cupcake in a bag with a note that said, “It’s my, Miss Kayla’s birthday so enjoy this cupcake to help me celebrate”.

So, my birthday morning arrived and mom got me dressed, did my hair and such.

We got the bags of cupcakes and headed out the door…

Our first stop was to drive through the carwash. We try to do that every time we take the car somewhere as it gets so dirty here at home.

Then we were on our way to three friends’ houses to safely drop off the bags of cupcakes.. I, Miss Kayla and mom wish we could have gone to all of my friends’ houses…

Then when I got home I, Miss Kayla was FINALLY able to enjoy a cupcake and I LOVED it! Mom only let me have one – I ate all the frosting and some of the cake part. So I get one a day til they are gone! 🙂 Maybe I, Miss Kayla can convince mom we need to make cupcakes once a month.. 🙂

Thank you everyone for all the BIRTHDAY wishes in helping me celebrate my birthday! I love you all!


Miss Kayla

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  1. William Goldie says:


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