Part 1 – Pre Cruise….. My 1st Cruise…. plus Disney & Give Kids the World Village….

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Mom finally got the courage to take me; Kayla on a Disney cruise, so she started planning a trip to Orlando, Florida for this coming December. There was so much research and planning to do to make the most of it. People on the cruise decorate their doors with magnets and hang a fish extender (Mom and I will hang up a stocking for each of us for FE).

Mom joined a Facebook group for our specific cruise and signed up for a Fish Extender (FE), Magnet, and Ornament exchange groups to participate in. Mom thought I would love to go around and drop off gifts to different rooms, which I did.


One thing about the digital electronic world today is that there are several Facebook pages that you can find and use graphics from (personal use only), so it was cool to have access to them. Lots of great ideas can be found on Facebook pages too.

This is me helping mom with making, putting the gifts together.

Another idea she came across was purchasing Disney gift cards from Target using your REDcard to save 5%. Now, 5% is not much, but it certainly adds up, plus it gave mom and I an outing every month and a way for me to help. I just love to go to Target. Mom then combined all the gift cards onto one gift card for cruise, hotels, food, shopping, etc. And we made envelopes for cash expenses. It was nice to have the entire trip paid off (right down to every penny expected to be spent) a month before we even left. Also, we didn’t have to deal with the hassle that Chase Bank causes mom every time we leave San Diego County. So, this was great! Mom plans to do it more often for future trips, whether Disney or not.

Mom did tell me about our big trip after she started planning it in July 2018. Mom was concerned about doing so in case my excitement would wear off after waiting so LONG, but surprisingly it didn’t and I stayed excited up to the day we left and through the trip. Ya know, I do have a good memory especially for the things I really like! And I LOVE adventures and traveling! Mom made me a 30-day countdown calendar to mark off daily, but honestly, she was pretty terrible at sticking to it, so we kept getting behind… She did make sure the last three days or so we did each day to better prepare me.

Mom made us each a Bon Voyage & a Pirates t-shirt to wear and a friend did our Christmas shirts. I loved going to Hobby Lobby (my new favorite store) for supplies and other things for our trip or just to look around to get out of the house when it was too cold or too windy to go for a walk at home. We had never been to a Hobby Lobby until this trip (well actually until I started at STEP – the adult day program I go to now). Mom also made me white legwarmers to wear with my Pirate & Christmas dresses.

This is me holding my Christmas shirt (mom’s shirt is gray) and our cruise book with all our info and tags that arrived.

One of the biggest challenges in preparing for our trip was finding a way to get to the airport with our luggage. Mom had the idea of having someone take us and pick us up with my car, but the people she thought of would only be able to do one of the days, not both, so she started calling all the transportation companies and parking lots (long-term) to see if anyone had wheelchair accessible transportation and it came down to MTS via trolley and shuttle. That was just not doable because mom didn’t have enough hands to handle all the luggage and then me in my chair. Nope, just not happening. She was hitting a lot of dead ends with everything including the parking lots until the last one she checked; Park n Fly… They have wheelchair accessible transportation and are very well organized. They offer their accessible service at all their locations. Such a relief! Mom went with the option of using our car for them to take us and pick us up in. We drove to the parking lot, picked up one of their employees and went to the airport. Mom and I headed to our gate while the employee returned to the parking lot with our car to park it there until we return. Upon returning, they brought our car to us at the airport just outside of Baggage Claim and we were on our merry way back home. So easy and convenient. BEST service ever!

Mom also had to set up TSA assistance for the airport for me. The day came to set it up and after she hung up from doing so with their corporate office, not even an hour later, a TSA agent from San Diego airport called her to see if she had any questions, concerns and to go over the process and our options. He seemed to have all day to address anything mom needed him to. Going through security in San Diego was a breeze and so efficient. Orlando called three hours out from our flight takeoff time. It was a little inconvenient as mom was trying to get me and our luggage to the front of the Disney Resort we were staying in, but the agent went over everything with her and, again, Orlando was smooth sailing and so efficient.

Mom already had everything set up to rent my Theravest from Hill-Rom, and it arrived at our pre-cruise hotel (Disney Contemporary Resort) three days before we did, which was a relief as my vest treatments are what keeps me feeling good, healthy and stable.

She also sent out 3 boxes to our pre-cruise hotel with supplies, gifts for exchanges we were doing, some of my clothes, our jackets and lots of other misc. that we would use on the trip but not take back with us. Those boxes arrived a few days before us as well.

On the Tuesday night before we left for our trip, I got a call from Mickey Mouse himself. Mom put the phone up to my ear and as soon as I heard Mickey’s voice, I froze, my eyes got big and I smiled. It was a really big genuine smile. I just listened to what he had to say smiling (inviting me on his Cruise next week and how he was looking forward to seeing me). The call ended, and I looked shocked. About two minutes later, the phone rang again… It was Mickey again, so I listened and smiled. I think he called back to let me know it really was him. 🙂 Mom said I still looked completely shocked and my reaction was really cute.  That was just soooooo AWESOME!!!

Two nights before we left, mom painted my nails red with a white Mickey head on the big toes and thumbs and white dots on the other fingers and toes. Mom knew the dots resembled Minnie Mouse, but she didn’t tell me.

The morning finally came, and I was so excited to get up and head out the door. It was such a gorgeous morning out, it almost made mom not want to leave.

Our morning with Park n Fly and TSA went very smoothly along with boarding the Southwest aircraft. The agent and flight attendants were great.

Mom put me in the middle seat, but I was intensely looking out the window, so she moved me to the window seat. I just love the windows seat so I can see out to figure out what the heck I am doing. I really enjoyed looking out the window and did for some time before falling asleep. I listened and watched some of my programs on my laptop and just tried really hard to deal with the flight to Orlando.


Coming home was a little more difficult for me, but I tried my best. Flying long distance like that is just too challenging for me, so mom says she won’t put me through that again. Or at least try not too. However, a two-hour flight or less might be doable from time to time. Southwest going to Orlando was great – beyond great. Southwest returning was good but not great! Mom would still use them over some of the other airlines we have experienced over the years. Southwest also has a good rep with Special Needs travelers. I did seem to have problems with my ears (just a guess from my reaction and timing) and trying to prevent me from bruising was very difficult. Well that is what mom says. I didn’t need to hit anything hard, just me repositioning and knees/legs leaning up against something hard with a little pressure due to tight quarters seemed to cause them as well. On the return flight, mom tried using everything to prevent them. She used sweatshirts, a blanket, and a pillow to pad everything around my legs. Flying out there, I had some labored breathing, which was definitely more noticeable than it was on the return flight. And that is something that has never occurred before during a flight.

Mom contemplated for weeks on whether or not to use the large Disney Magical Express buses or Mears wheelchair accessible taxi to the Disney Contemporary Resort upon arriving in Orlando. Mom was always leaning towards Mears since it was at the beginning of the trip and she wanted to limit my exposure to others as much as possible, especially in enclosed quarters, but she decided to just go with Disney Magical Express.

The buses were crazy huge. They had TVs (yep, more than one like six) on board which they used to do an introduction to Disney while you traveled to your resort. It was a gorgeous evening, even with it being chilly and windy out and already dark. A storm was expected in the area the next day. I got on board via the wheelchair lift and settled in the far back of the bus while we waited for everyone else to board which was only about 20 people – so nice and mom was glad she decided to use DME. And guess what, mom and I were the only ones in the back half of the bus.


We arrived at the Disney Contemporary Resort and I remained patient (barely) while waiting to check-in. Since we needed to pick up our three boxes and the Theravest machine, we had to check-in via the desk instead of just going to our room which was an option.

Our room was two buildings down in the Garden View building. It was so windy and cold when we crossed from one building to the next. The elevator is so small that we barely fit. Luckily, our checked bag and boxes were being brought to us later, otherwise, they wouldn’t have fit in the elevator with mom and I and our two carry-ons. I was so glad to finally get out of my chair and lay on the bed watching Disney programs.

Our original reservation for the pre-cruise was at All Star Movies Resort (same hotel for after the cruise), but mom decided on Thanksgiving Day to change our pre-cruise hotel reservation to the Contemporary, so we could use the monorail to resort hop on our first full day there before going to Mickey’s Christmas Party. Resort hop would allow us to see all the Christmas decorations, so mom changed our hotel thinking that would be fun to do.

We woke up the next morning to rain, gloomy, overcast and windy weather. Great! But we just needed it to end by the time we went to Mickey’s Christmas Party that night. Before then, it could do whatever it wants.

We got up and ready to go resort hopping, but first we checked out the resorts’ shops in hope that I could find a few things I needed; Magic Keeper for my Magic Band (so not wearing the watch band) and a lanyard. I needed a lanyard for my Key to the World Card (cruise card) but I only got the holder part and not the strap as mom decided my necklace was a good place to hook it on to since it was long and had a thick chain. So, after shopping, we went to go up the elevator to the monorail to start our resort hopping, but the elevator was out of service and no other option was available. Oh great! The Cast Member said we could use the bus instead of the monorail to resort hop, so off to the buses we went. A driver of one bus was there when we arrived, and mom mentioned where we needed to go. He said, “I can take you on the next run. Just wait here and I will be right back in a few minutes.” An hour later, he returned, and we ended up only taking the bus to Magic Kingdom where he said we could catch the boat to Grand Floridian. It was the hotel mom decided to start with since it has a huge Gingerbread house and tree and mom wasn’t sure how much time we would have now.  Mom mentioned to him what the Cast Member told her, but he said buses don’t go to the other resorts like the monorail (so many mixed messages), so we went through security at Magic Kingdom and the security there said we could catch the boat. We waited 45 minutes in that line to catch the boat only for them to tell mom I would have to transfer into the boat myself and that my chair needs to fold. Since neither of those were an option, we had to go get in line for the monorail. We don’t know why they didn’t come and tell us while waiting in line, especially with the number of times they made eye contact with us. Hmm… So off to the monorail we went. It was pouring and had been the entire time and so windy but humid. We were in line at the monorail for 50 minutes. Mom thought maybe we should just return back to the Contemporary Resort since it was getting later, and the crowds were insane. Mom wanted me to have at least two hours of downtime, plus I needed my treatments before we headed out to Mickey’s Christmas Party, but mom decided to just continue on. We finally got on the very crowded monorail and got off at the Grand Floridian Hotel. Such a gorgeous hotel but full of people. The line to get back on the monorail was over two hours long, so it wasn’t a good option for getting back. Luckily, Mom knew of Mears Transportation. We then went to find the Gingerbread House (huge and beautiful, but not as big as we expected). I enjoyed all the lights and grandness of the hotel. We walked around for a little while.

Then once mom realized when we would be ready to leave she called Mears Transportation and requested a wheelchair accessible taxi to go back to Contemporary.

By the time they arrived, and we got back to the Contemporary, it was time to leave for Mickey’s Christmas Party. Mom decided we would just go later so I would have at least an hour of downtime before going. The rain was dying down and the winds were calmer. We walked around some of the resort outside on our way back to our room. Too bad we didn’t have more time to enjoy the grounds and see what all was here, but I do honestly think we saw it all. A few things we did see:


We finally got ready and headed out to walk over to the Magic Kingdom to Mickey’s Christmas Party, which I was so excited for. It was a breezy, chilly walk, but no rain.

People going to Mickey’s Christmas Party were allowed to get into Magic Kingdom at 4 pm but we arrived at 5:30 pm.

The crowd going into the park was insane! The people that didn’t have Christmas party tickets had to leave the park by 7 pm and once they had left, the crowd was very reasonable. We went to Guest Services and got my DAS pass and then headed over to Mickey to see him in his “day” outfit. He is my favorite character. Unfortunately, I was feeling so overwhelmed I was in my ‘blah’ mode when seeing Mickey, but I made some good eye contact with him. It takes me a while to adjust to things. It was just all so overwhelming.

We went on a few rides (Pooh, the carousel and It’s a Small World twice) and walked around familiarizing ourselves with the park and saw a few characters.


Mom wanted to focus on the rides I could go on in my wheelchair as I do not like to get out of my chair and try to sit next to mom on the ride. Mom and I on It’s A Small World…

As the evening went on, the more I was enjoying it.

Before the parade, we went over to the area called Storybook Circus to check on the line to meet the Seven Dwarfs. Yep, that was one of the things at the top of our to-do list (well moms anyway). You can only see them at the party. It was an hour long, so mom thought we should try after the parade and fireworks. Just next door to the Dwarfs was the Disney Jr Dance Party, so mom took me over there to see Doc McStuffins and Vampirina. Some mornings (which I have been) I love Doc McStuffins and Vampirina on the Disney channel. Timon was there too and came right over to me and we danced together until the song that was playing ended. Mom took my arms and moved them to the music. That is my way of dancing which I so love to do. Timon really got into it. He was awesome! I then joined in with Vampirina and a minute or so with Doc McStuffins. It was hard to get pictures as it was in a dark area outdoors which was dark anyway and they were moving so fast… I was like, “mom, who cares about the photos, just keep me dancing”.


We then headed over to the parade route to find a spot. A gentleman in a scooter gave up his spot for me. Mom was very grateful but also felt bad that he gave up his spot. We would have been just fine behind him, but he insisted that I needed his spot which was very kind of him. I enjoyed the parade.


After the parade, we went to the castle to start looking for a spot for the fireworks. We found a few spots open on one side of the castle just in front of where the ropes were that tied off the rest of the area to the castle, and within a few minutes, a character show started on the castles stage. I had to watch from the sides, but I seemed to really enjoy it. It was a great show. And these little fireworks were part of this show.


After that, mom decided we would just stay there for the fireworks which were supposed to start in 10-15 minutes. Mom so prayed that I would tolerate waiting that long and guess what, I did great! The firework and castle light show started – it was AMAZING! Mom and I both loved it! Mom was so glad we went and had such a great viewing spot. It was the best part of the night so far. (side note: the fireworks, Tinkerbell and I are photos taken using my phone of a video on the computer that mom took). The video is way too long to post.


I am watching the fireworks in the one photo and Tinkerbell is flying in the sky in the other photo. It was so cool!

We then headed back over to the Dwarfs to see them. The line was 45 minutes long and mom knew that length would be pushing it for me, but mom still said we would give it a go. As we started to get in line, the cast member said, “wait here. I will be right back”. So, as we waited, people were coming up and asking if mom and I knew how long the wait was and mom started to tell people that the line was about 45 minutes long and how they were worth seeing as you can only see them during Mickey’s Christmas Party.

While we were waiting, Goofy, Donald and another Donald came walking by and briefly said “hi” on their way :)… They were being silly..

Finally, after about 10 minutes, the cast member came back with her manager. Mom told them how we had been informing people of the time-frame to see the Dwarfs and how it was worth it. They were like, “we should just give you a name tag and let you hold down the fort”. Mom was like, no thank you. 🙂 I was thinking what mom said. 🙂 Anyway, the manager said, “follow me” and she took us in the back way to see the Dwarfs. Wow… mom and I were so grateful and surprised to have her do that. The Dwarfs were amazing with me and I was alert through it all. Mom thinks I was probably thinking, “mom, get me out of here! Who are these characters?”


Dopey was making an announcement… You can barely see me on the left side of him… I think he was telling all of us how I needed to invite them to go on Mickey’s ship with me.

They were spending so much time with me that mom finally said, “Kayla, we need to get going as there is a long line of people waiting to see them”. So, we wrapped it up and said goodbye.

Mom said it was so cool and amazing to see them. It was our second-best part of the night.

We had about an hour left of the party until Magic Kingdom closed so we made our way back towards the entrance to go see Mickey Mouse in his Christmas outfit, plus I was all perked up in my excited mood so mom thought it was a great time to go see him.

Mom was really hoping for the line to be short so I wouldn’t switch into ‘blah’ mode. We went through a few stores to bypass the crowds down main street and I just loved going into Starbucks, listening to the blenders. Did you know that blenders sound really cool and funny? Well, they really do.

We then made our way over to the theater where Mickey was. Mom was really wanting to see Jack Skellington (across from Mickey) and she had hoped we could do both, but the Cast Member said only one, so Mom choose Mickey since I was all excited. Mom was really glad she made that choice because I was so excited to see him – it was a great meet n greet. Mom could hear people behind us commenting on how excited I was to see Mickey and how I was looking at him and smiling, etc. Mom said it was just nice to hear others commenting on me in a positive way.

Mom was thinking that maybe we could go the following Sunday to Mickey’s Christmas Party again and she (me too) could try to see Jack Skellington then, but the weather turned colder at night and my Theravest machine stopped working the day we got off the cruise, so not having that with more days left before we flew home mom just didn’t want to risk it. Plus, I was so done with crowds, loud noises, lines, and characters by then we just tried to keep most days after the cruise doing our typical things we do. So, we never did get back to the Magic Kingdom for the day or second Mickey’s Christmas Party. Mom said that was okay. We made our trek back to the hotel as it was after midnight EST and the next day was a big day for us as we leave on the cruise.

Get ready for part 2… the cruise…

Love, Miss Kayla

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1 Response

  1. Rick Montes says:

    Awesome just awesome time you both had on the trip.

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