Part 2… Disney Bahama Cruise Part 2… Mickey’s Island…..

Note: all pics are with either my, Miss Kayla’s point and shoot or our phone camera. Most with phone camera.. Please click on each picture to see it better and use back button to return here. 🙂 


The next day, we docked at Castaway Cay aka Mickey Mouse Island.



Mom got up a little early that morning, so we could get off the boat and spend as much time on the island before the winds picked up or before it started to rain. Our room host (so nice) mentioned it was supposed to rain (never did) in the afternoon and advised us to get off as early as we could to make the most of our time there. It was a beautiful warm morning but a tad windy (not bad though). I was really tired and woke up crying. I am like that sometimes when I am tired and off. Mom ordered room service that morning so we could get off the ship as early as possible. We got dressed and headed off the ship.

At times, I was excited when heading off the ship and as we were walking along the long path to the beach and where everything was, but as soon as we would stop for pictures, I went into ‘blah’ mode getting upset a few times. Mom always has to take photos!! Ugh.  I was so done with mom taking pictures or stopping to have others take our photos.


I was still tired too but since I was still in a good mood but blah but not upset like earlier after some strolling from our last photo stop to where the characters started, mom decided to try to have me see a few of them along the path we were then taking.

There was only one path to the main area of the island or at least that side of the island (see map at towards end of post) 🙂 . After the third character we saw, we did a little bit of shopping and then ran into the end of Minnie Mouse’s dance party, so we participated in that for the last two minutes or so.

Minnie Mouse came right over to me to dance with me.

We continued on and found a hammock that wasn’t too far from the path. It was not in the best place for shade, but mom really wanted me to go in one on the beach. Since I was still quite tired, it was a good idea. 

I went in the hammock for about thirty minutes and then I was so ready to get out and continue exploring the island.

We went to lunch at the BBQ place (only two eating places on the island) and it was pretty good. Better than the ship food mom said. I only gave mom a few minutes to eat though (well we had things to see and do), so mom didn’t finish as my patience level was shot. Who can blame me? Mom saw soft serve ice cream and I was showing mom signs that I wanted something to eat so mom got some ice cream for me and a spoon and I ate it. I ate so much of it, mom would guess at least a full 1 cup. Well, it was really good, I loved it.

Mom loved seeing me eating it so well. Mom would give me at least 1/2 tbsp. size bites and I would just eat it up. I even ate with a plastic spoon (I don’t like plastic or metal).

Afterward, we continued exploring the island,

went into two other shops

and took the tram back to the ship instead of walking. Well, actually we took the tram back to ship but didn’t get off.

We then took it to the other stop (not where we got on, but the only other stop by Olafs place) so we could see that area.

We walked around and then took the tram back to the stop that was for the ship. This time we did get off at the ship stop. You can see where all we went here on the map. 

Oh, I bought a shirt, sweatshirt, a Christmas gift, a magnet for the fridge and a couple of postcards to send to my grandma, class/friends and to myself that I dropped off at the very tiny post office that was along the path on our way back to the ship.

We weren’t really ready to head back to the ship, but it was getting late and I had a makeover appointment at Bibbidi Bobbidi Pirate Boutique on the ship for Pirate’s night and needed some downtime before going. We both had a shower upon returning after a beach day on the island. It felt good to get one. Although, I probably shouldn’t have as it made me tired. Plus all that sun.


Pirate’s night is next… 🙂 

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