Part 2… Disney Bahama Cruise Part 2B… Pirate Night…..

Note: all pics in this post are with our phone camera which due to the lighting most photos ended up with a weird color tint that was difficult to correct in software after.. Please click on each picture to see it better and use back button to return here. 🙂

Welcome back for Pirate Night…
So as you know, I had a shower which probably wasn’t the best idea as it made me more tired and all, but it sure felt good after a fun beach day on Mickey’s island. I got dressed in my Pirate dress that a friend of mine made for me.

On a side note: ya know, mom has really learned a lesson here… Several years ago, I was a pirate for Halloween and I loved my costume. I looked great in it and it was perfect for me being in a wheelchair. Well, I grew and it became too small for me (probably would have been still now but who knows) so mom got rid of it. She said that was a mistake because a few times since I have needed a pirate costume and haven’t found one that really worked for me or that I really liked. And since I am still wearing clothes from back then, she thinks it would still have fit so she wishes she would have kept it. So, a friend of ours had this fancy type pirate pattern that we liked so we said, “yes, please”. Anyway… I had to get to my Pirate makeover appointment. Mom was so glad that Disney had a basic pirate makeover option for my age range in the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique on the ship, so I was able to get one.

It was an interesting place, but pretty cool. Lots of kids getting their pirate makeover. My stylist was awesome, and I really liked her.

Cubby went with me as well. And again, mom thought that Cubby still had her pirate outfit but she didn’t. I think it got ruined and mom had to get rid of it. We did go to Cubby’s store to see if they had one but they didn’t. ☹ So no pirate outfit for Cubby..

The first thing I got done was my pirate tattoo on my hand. That was so cool..

Then it was time to paint my nails. Mom showed my stylist how to do a few things like my nails so I wouldn’t know she was actually doing them. Unfortunately, I didn’t let her do my left hand only the right hand. Mom never could get me to put my left hand fingers out so my stylist could do them without me realizing it. Mom is good at figuring little things out like that.

Next was the makeup. I got eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush and then lipstick.

Next, she put on a Pirate diamond sticker on my cheek and then some glitter on both cheeks.

I was looking so much like a Pirate but not done yet.

Next was the bandana. My stylist sang this song as she tried different places to put it but it went on my head. Trying different places was just to make it more fun with the song. 😊

Then she removed the gold earring mom put on me and she used this gray fake sword to “drill a hole in my ear” 😊 for my actual pirate silver earring.

Because I wouldn’t let my stylist hold my hand very long, she used Cubby to help the ceremony of me becoming a Pirate and sworn me in.

I became Pirate Angelina Deckgoose. 😊

Next, she gave me a bag to help her pull out my pirate necklace. She put the necklace on me and my Pirate slash.

She rolled up my certificate and put it in the bag for me to hold.

Then I received my pirate sword which went into a holder off my slash.

Now I am Pirate Angelina Deckgoose.

After that, mom wasn’t sure what to do as if we went back to our cabin, I would end up rubbing the side of the face with the diamonds and the make-up would rub off. She didn’t want that just yet and it was only an hour or so until dinner time, so mom decided to find something for us to do. Well, Pirate Mickey Mouse was due out on the atrium balcony in 30 minutes or so, so we decided we would wait in the area and try to be the first ones. She hoped that we could just walk around the “area” of where Pirate Mickey would be, letting everyone know we are waiting but trying to stay distracted.

It worked until about ten minutes before Pirate Mickey came out and I lost it. ☹ I had it and knew what mom was up to. Mom got me to calm down enough to see Pirate Mickey as he just came out and was waiting to see me. Yep, Pirate Mickey ended up having to wait a minute or two to see me while mom calmed me down.  Mom said it was cute when Pirate Mickey was showing me his autograph on my frame that I got for him to sign. I was very attentive and there was some good eye contact as I watched him. I enjoyed seeing Pirate Mickey after all.

We left Pirate Mickey and ended up running into Pirate Stitch about 30 feet away. He was on a mission but stopped and said hello to me. At first, it was cool to say a quick hello, but then I yelled at Stitch and mom apologized and said we really need to continue on.

We left and went back to the room, skipping dinner at the Royal Palace as I just needed some downtime. The pirate music they were playing through some of the ship’s speakers was irritating me as well. We got back to the cabin, mom changed me into my lounge clothes, and I enjoyed watching my programs. That was just a big day for me. But ya know what, I LOVED my makeover!!!

Mom really wanted me to go to the Pirate show and see the fireworks so we headed back out for the Pirate show on the upper pool deck. I was not tolerating the music, loud noise, or crowds along the path to get there. Mom wasn’t sure if we should continue on or not, but we did. I was so upset when we arrived and the cast member was trying to get us to go into the wheelchair area for the pirate show, but since the show already started, mom was trying to get me to calm down before going in. I wasn’t calming down so we went in anyway. Well, guess what??? As soon as I got in my spot to watch the rest of the show (we only missed the first couple of minutes), I calmed right down and was fine. I loved it! Who knew! Several characters and cast members were performing the Pirate theme show which was very cute and mom was shocked at how it calmed me right down. Mom was also very relieved and glad we came.

Afterward, we walked around a little bit until the next Pirate show started which wasn’t long, but every time we hit an area that was loud with pirate music and crowds, I lost it, so we went back to the room for a few minutes before going back out. Mom really wanted me to see the fireworks (I love fireworks) that were going to start towards the end of the Pirate show, so we headed back out. I didn’t do well going back to the Pirate show either but calmed down once there and was positioned to watch it. It was more of an adult Pirate of the Caribbean show, so neither of us were too interested. I ended up falling asleep.

At the end of the show, the fireworks started but I never did wake up for them. Mom was really bummed because that was the one thing mom was really looking forward to me seeing and I slept through the entire show. Here is the last minute or so of the really cool firework show..

Once the show was almost over with, we headed back to our room and mom decided we were staying in for the night. Mom went out on the balcony as it was such a gorgeous night out while I enjoyed watching my programs laying on the bed.

Until next time.. 🙂

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1 Response

  1. Priscilla says:

    What an amazing girl, Cubby, mom & story! Thank You For Sharing. Love you three!

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