Part 3… Disney Bahama Cruise Part 3… Sea Day & Disembark Day…..

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Welcome back to the last part of my Disney Cruise, but still lots to come for our Orlando trip… 🙂
Part 3… Disney Bahama Cruise Part 3… Sea Day & Disembark Day…..

Today was Sea Day… Mom wasn’t sure what we were going to do and she definitely wanted it to be a good day for me so that meant laying low, avoiding loud noises/music, crowds, and characters. 

We got up – I was up earlier than expected and seemed to be well rested. I seemed to be turning my mornings into waking up on EST and going to bed on PST. Lol. Mom says that’s smart as I am making the most of my day. Gotta give me credit. 🙂 I appeared to be ready to head out for the day, but it was Sea Day. By the way, the past two nights were a lot better – the ship was quieter with not as much vibration occurring, thank goodness.  Mom decided we could go to breakfast, and she wanted to try Enchanted Garden in hopes it was a “to order” type restaurant with much better food, but nope, it was just like Cabanas, a buffet with okay tasting food. Mom didn’t really care as she was just wanting a good cup of coffee. I, Miss Kayla was all excited (mornings are always better for me anyway) to go and it was nice to see what we missed our first night as this was the restaurant we were supposed to dine at. It was a beautiful restaurant and both mom and I loved the color scheme and decor. I went through the buffet line with mom (just like I always do) and tasted some strawberry juice from the strawberries mom got for waffles (but she didn’t get waffles, just the strawberries for me).  I fell asleep while mom finished eating and I woke up just as mom was finishing up. Maybe I wasn’t truly asleep as I am known to do that when bored or just waiting for whatever. But I was in a great mood.

Looking over the schedule at breakfast, mom saw that Bingo was going to start so we went to Bingo to check it out. It was a bit expensive, but mom didn’t care as it was going to give us something fun to do. So mom thinks.. I helped mom cross off our numbers despite me shutting out the noise and the many people, but I tolerated it. I was alert a few times. We were only one away a few times from winning but never did get that last number. Mom thinks we had six games that we played before it was over. 

Afterward, we decided to go for a walk. Finally… I was all perked up again since we were on the move and mom noticed the weather was really nice outside, so we walked on the deck. We hadn’t been on that deck yet.

We came across Shuffleboard, so we watched some people playing. I was very content and alert. When they were done, we played. I was very attentive, alert and cooperated with mom helping mom play against me, I really enjoyed it. Mom was surprised – it was so fun. Mom was glad to find something I enjoyed, and it was pretty easy for mom to help me play once she figured out a good position for me. Two ladies asked if they could play with us, so they did for a while. It was fun and so nice of them to want to play with us. Mom thinks I could have gone longer once she decided we should leave.

We strolled back to our room for a while so I could have some downtime and mom could start packing our bags that we wanted to check. If we check any bags, we had to have them outside our door by 10 pm and we had a busy evening planned. I hung out on the balcony laying on the lounge chair and took a nap. It was really nice out. Once the wind started to pick up though, mom woke me up to bring me back inside. 

We decided to go to Bingo again. We arrived a few minutes early and there was a long line. The front of it was in a wider area (roomier) and the end of it was in small corridors and I was not having it. Mom moved me to the area with more space and thought we could just wait for the line of people to go in and then go after, but a nice lady and her family invited us to walk in with them. That was really nice. She said, “don’t worry about the line, just stay there and you can go in with us”. I waited much better there. I wasn’t into it as much that time and the music that was playing until Bingo started was irritating for me. Mom thought we might have to leave but I dealt with it. Bless my heart mom says. Once the volume level lowered for the music, I was much better.  I helped mom play Bingo for a few minutes but then went to sleep. Mom had no luck. Not very good cards but it was still fun, and mom was glad I let us stay to play, even though I went to sleep. 

Finally… Our night at Animator’s Palate. Mom had been trying to get into this restaurant all week for dinner as mom knew I would enjoy it more. It is such a cool place with aquarium-like screens on the walls with animated sea life. So much more welcoming for kiddos and keeps them occupied so they can enjoy the hour or two there for dinner. Mom asked our server if they could bring something like yogurt, pudding, or custard for me but he suggested crème brûlée as he was able to get it from another restaurant. I loved it and ate probably a good two to three tablespoons along with some of moms mashed potatoes. Such a great restaurant. Mom only wishes we would have gone there for lunch as its open for lunch (I think). Now we know, so next time.


Meet Crush; the talking turtle in Animator’s Palette… 

On our way back to our room we came across the sunset…

We arrived back to our room so mom could finish packing our checked bags and pretty much everything else since we would arrive back into port the next morning. And we were going to a Broadway theater-like show shortly.   

Beauty and the Beast was the Broadway theater-like show that evening and mom had heard great things about it. I enjoyed some of it, slept (shut myself out) through some of it but also got upset at one point where mom thought we were going to have to leave but the music changed, so I was okay. Mom was glad we were able to stay because, one, mom was enjoying it and never seen the movie so didn’t know anything about the story, and two, wheelchairs have to have a cast member lead them out as you go through areas that only employees are permitted, and it would not have been easy to find a cast member to leave early. It was a fantastic show. We didn’t go to the other Broadway theater-like show on the second night as mom didn’t want to push it with me since I didn’t really care for them and it didn’t sound all that appealing to mom anyway. Mom thinks if we would have gone, there was no way I would have tolerated Beauty and the Beast. Too much for me in one week. 


After the show, we went back to the room as mom still had a few more things to do, but once we got back, I was not wanting to stay, I wanted to go for my last evening stroll so off we went. We went to the very top deck or close to it to the Goofy Sports area as we hadn’t been up there yet. We only ran into a few people up there and, unfortunately, there was a strong smoke smell there too, so we didn’t stay too long. Everything was closed, but you could still see what was offered. Plus, one side was really windy. It was a cool area.

We went back to deck 4 where we were earlier to walk the “track”. You can walk all around the entire ship on the track. It was cool. 90% of it is outside. We walked it twice and I loved it. The weather was nice despite it being quite breezy in a few areas and we saw one meteor aka shooting star as it was peak time for Geminid meteor showers. It was a gorgeous night out. We also saw another cruise ship in the distance. 

Once we got back to the room, we went out on the balcony for a few minutes as it was quite windy, but so many stars were out. Mom ordered room service before we went to bed. Mom read many comments about if you order coffee before going to bed it will still be HOT in the morning, so she thought she would try it, so we didn’t have to go to breakfast. Mom would like to have gone to breakfast as we were invited back to Animator’s Palate for it, but it would have just been too early and too much work to make happen. 

The next morning, which was Friday, we had to get up early to disembark. Mom thinks we were both ready to get off the ship. I was excited to get up and go. That is how I like to live most days. Mom had her coffee and, sure enough, it was still HOT. Mom wasn’t hungry that morning so she didn’t eat anything. Plus, it was like 4 am PST (7 am EST). Mom decided to text our “driver” from Mears who dropped us off for the cruise. He previously mentioned that he could pick us up to take us to our hotel after the cruise, but mom wanted to make sure before canceling our transportation reservations with Disney Cruise Line. Sure enough, everything was still as scheduled with him, so it was a green light. She was glad as she didn’t feel like dealing with a hundred or so other people on a big bus like a greyhound bus. However, it would have been cool at the same time. Mom wasn’t sure though how I would handle it. We went downstairs to guest services to cancel our transportation with Disney and checkout. We got in line to start our way off the ship. While in line, a nice lady took us down the center to our second checkpoint where we had a red flag on our card. Mom was puzzled because it said we had to go back to Guest Services, but we just came from there. They called to make sure we needed to return and, sure enough, we did. The lady that brought us down to this checkpoint was stressing because of how difficult it would be to get us back up to guest services due to all the people in the two lines and then back down, but we had to go regardless. It wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be (or at least mom thought) and gave us to someone else to take us the rest of the way. At guest services, the guy that helped us earlier said he overlooked the issue (needing my signature – again) and apologized. Mom signed what needed to be signed (again) and then we got back in the long, long, long line. Finally, the lady found us again and took us down. We got through the checkpoints and down to customs where we had to wait in another line. A porter found our bags and got in line with us. That was a cool service! And I did great! It was early morning which majority of the time is the best part of day for me. Mom was in contact with our cab driver who ended up with a delay as well due to a huge accident causing road closures. By the time we got to our meeting point, he had just arrived as well as us, so it all worked out perfectly. The weather was much nicer than predicted – thank goodness. We got settled into the car and off we went to All Star Movies Resort in Orlando. 

We went over our tentative itinerary for the next few days, deciding when we think we would need our cab drivers’ services. We were supposed to go to the Give Kids the World Village that day, but due to the predicted severe storms (weather app and listening to radio in cab), we decided to change our day to either Sunday or Monday, which was a bummer as I would once again miss the pirates/princess party that evening but it would have been just too cold, windy, possibly rainy too for me.  After the cruise, the weather changed to be a lot cooler, windier than before the cruise.

I hope you all are enjoying my blog posts about our Disney trip and cruise. We have just a couple of days left of Disney and Give Kids the World Village where I stayed for my Make a Wish trip. Some exciting news come from our day there so stay tuned. In terms of cruises, mom has booked us on two more – Carnival and Royal Caribbean so we shall see how I like them. 🙂 Anyway, stay tuned for our last few days in Orlando….. 🙂 



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