Part 4 Last part of My Disney Trip…. After My Cruise…. It’s been all about the STAR…

Welcome back to the last part of my, Miss Kayla’s Disney trip – Land, Cruise, Give Kids the World…

all pics taken with phone…

Arrived at All Stars Movies Resort.

We checked in and found our way to our room. We are in Toy Story section of All Star Movies Resort. 

Mom went to give me a treatment and the vest machine had an error code on it and wouldn’t work. Oh NO! This can’t be happening, especially when we really need it due to the expected weather conditions over the next few days, and it was only Friday (we were there until Tuesday). Mom kept trying and trying and trying to get a few minutes out of the machine but no luck. Mom continued to try daily but no luck. Mom couldn’t get a hold of anyone at the company either until Monday morning. When she finally did on Monday, they apologized, reimbursed mom for the rental and had us send it back as scheduled.  

I, Miss Kayla got through the next few days of our trip without the machine, but mom could tell I really needed it. It made mom more nervous especially being on the other side of the country from Cali and to be out in the cold, in the wind and rain, so mom was extra cautious.  And it’s not easy for me to go to an ER, Urgent Care due to my complex medical condition, plus mom just didn’t want me feeling bad or getting sick. Mom didn’t want me to miss out on things either, so its just a really tough position to be in and mom has a tendency to fall on the more cautious side than taking the risks. This one machine is the one that mom relies on the most to keep me healthy and prevent me getting worse at any given time – when allergies flare up, exposed to conditions that I am more sensitive to, when I get sick, etc. This is the one machine I can’t survive without.  

Noticing that I was still quite sensitive to loud noises, crowds, and especially lines, mom decided to change things around. At this point I was pretty much done with the trip and mom was too since the vest machine wasn’t working. Mom was ready to leave and go home. Mom felt this way since we got off the ship before finding out the machine stopped working, but that was because she was so tired and ready to leave but decided let’s just stick to the plans and have fun. Still, time to do that and still need to go to Give Kids the World Village. This trip was based around going back to Give Kids the World Village. Plus, it would be too expensive to change our flight. And who was ready for a five-hour flight anyway – NOT ME!  Back to our trip – sorry for the rant..  

So, we chilled out for a while in the hotel room and the weather wasn’t as bad as it was forecasted to be. Go figure. We walked around the area of our hotel as it was just too cool to not check out. I loved it!

We decided to go to Disney Springs that evening for a while and opted to use Disney buses instead of calling our cab driver. I, Miss Kayla did great even though we couldn’t take the first bus that came by (too full despite not having any wheelchairs on board). Here Cubby & I are waiting for our bus to arrive…

Disney Springs was super crowded, but we still walked around, went through some stores and went through Christmas tree lane where there were over a dozen Christmas trees decorated in different Disney themes.

We ate at this one place and I got a chocolate shake with fudge and whipped cream for my dinner treat. Yummy. I was so missing Vanellope’s ice cream parlor, but I loved the shake and had so much of it as you can see in the photo (before and after). The waitress brought me a roll of paper towels when we asked for a couple of napkins.  How did she know? 🙂

After two hours of being there, mom and I were ready to go back to the hotel. 

On Saturday morning, it was raining lightly but we still went to the character breakfast at Hollywood Vine in Hollywood Studios as planned. Mom couldn’t wait to get a good meal, especially breakfast. This is where Doc McStuffins, Vampirina, Sophia the First and Goofy from Mickey Roadsters were. I love Vampirina and Doc McStuffins. That was why mom choose this place for breakfast so I could see them and not have to deal with lines in the park. Well, I, Miss Kayla slept through it all. They still said hello in a quiet fashion, but yep, I slept through it.

Afterward, we left and we were putting our rain gear on just outside the doors when mom thought, “let’s go to the restroom back inside”, so we did. Well, guess who woke up? Yep, I, Miss Kayla woke up and was in a great mood.  We left the restrooms and saw that Vampirina was at the closest table we came too when exiting the restroom visiting a family. Mom decided to wait for her since there was hardly anyone in the restaurant at that time. The manager came over and said, “make sure you see everyone before you leave since she is now awake”. I did. I was excited, and it worked out great for me. 

We left and walked around the park. I was enjoying it to a point despite the light drizzle off and on and the crowds.

We decided to go see Frozen, the live show but the line was really long. We started to wait in it even though I wasn’t too crazy about doing so when a castmember came up to us and told us how it works for those in a wheelchair like me. However, mom asked if we could walk around and come back like 8-10 minutes before the show started because…….. The Cast Member understood and didn’t mind us doing so. Mom and I were so grateful for that. I seem to enjoy the show and mom did enjoy it. Oh and I got to sit in front of the stage which is best for me to be able to see and know what is going on. 

After that, we walked around some more and saw Olaf which I wasn’t thrilled about. Olaf is just so cute though – well says mom. Mom wishes we had our Olaf lounge pants on. That would have been a cute photo. Oh, I don’t think so, mom.

Afterward, we decided to go back to the hotel for a few hours before returning for lights that evening.  On our way out, we got to see the Stormtrooper guys walk by as they headed out and a quick photo of me.

It was a nice break back at the hotel. Heading out again, going back to Hollywood Studios for the evening, but first, need to catch the bus.

It was quite crowded and not many lights, so we only stayed for an hour or so. Unfortunately, the Osborne Family Christmas Lights were no longer being displayed there, not since 2017 (such a bummer as it was AMAZING) so there wasn’t a whole lot of lights to see.

I really enjoyed walking through Toy Story Land despite it being very crowded. It was a new section this year. Mom got me some ice cream, but I wasn’t interested. 

Sunday came and we were supposed to go to Magic Kingdom for the day and then Mickey’s Christmas Party that evening again, but it was going to be much colder than previous week for Mickey’s Christmas Party and mom thought I probably wouldn’t enjoy the crowd, lines, etc. due to me still being so sensitive so we didn’t go. Instead, we had a lazy day at the hotel and walked around our resort. Such a better idea! Mom got coffee and a small bite to eat from the cafeteria for breakfast which then we went to the outside theater for her to have. 

Every All Star resort has different themes. At ours with it being Movies, it was Fantasia, 101 Dalmations, Toy Story (our section), Mighty Ducks, and The Love Bug.

Opps, I almost forgot.. The Mighty Ducks is also at All Star Movies Resort so here are two pics part of that theme. We really didn’t walk around this movie theme area as it was kind of out of the way, not all that cool, so.

We also walked over to the one across the street; All Star Music which has country, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, calypso and Broadway-style show tunes themes. It really was cool and so much fun to see.

Before moving on, we went into the lobby of All Star Music resort and there was a Christmas tree all decorated with music ornaments. It was really pretty.

It was a really nice day and mom and I enjoyed it. I was also at my best. It was something that was “normal” for us and Mom thinks I really needed that as did she. It reminded mom that our normal low-key traveling mode we really enjoy is what I always need. I can tolerate chaos every now and then and only a short amount of it, but nothing like the week we had, especially the first half. Too much all at once. Lesson learned.

On Sunday evening, we decided to go back over to Disney Springs for dinner and to do the Christmas tree lane again, not that there were a ton of lights, but there was some out that mom hoped I would enjoy. Excited to be catching the bus again:

The crowds were worse than the previous night, so we only lasted an hour and returned as it was just too crazy. We skipped dinner as well. On the way back, our resort was always the last stop as the bus stopped at the other two first; All Star Sports then All Star Music, and then ours; All Star Movies. We asked to be let out at All Star Sports, so we could walk through it and then just walk back over to All Star Movies where we were staying. It was chilly and breezy out, but we walked-strolled fast. We got to see some of All Star Sports, which was cool, but just that. Not as fun as Music and Movies but that is just my opinion. Well, mom’s too. 🙂 

The next morning, Monday, we were scheduled to go to Give Kids the World Village, so mom contacted our cab driver to have him pick us up to take us there.

We went and only stayed for about two and a half hours. Unfortunately, I wasn’t at my best, but I still enjoyed our time there. Mom was really hoping I would have been like I was yesterday but that is okay. We walked all around, saw our “home” we stayed in on my Make a Wish Trip

and saw a lot of new stuff.

We had an appointment to find and see my star in the castle. This is the castle. 

My passport for my star location I received the day we left to come home on my Make a Wish trip. This was the star I made then that I am now going to find:

We went inside the castle

and this is where you create your star and send it to the star fairy so she can place it in the castle.

My star was high up in the original tower. There were just hundreds of stars everywhere. The lady helping us said there are 135,000 in some stars. That is AMAZING! The whole purpose of the entire trip, have our trip in Florida was to come back here to find my; Miss Kayla’s star. 

I went on the train three times I might add. I loved it and it was the perfect size, perfect amount of time and speed. I am not sure why mom and I never went on it when we were here before. Maybe mom assumed (so wrong to do) that there was no where for wheelchairs and I would have to sit next to her – but she should have known better due to what this place is about. I don’t know, but I am so glad we did it then and three times, nonetheless.

We also went through the arcade and train building, which we didn’t do before. This is a pano mom tried on our phone. 

Next, there was a new ride that went in circles, a bit like Dumbo but I think the “car” you sit in was a butterfly or some kind of bug. We went on that in the wheelchair “car”. That was okay.

They also had a new swing ride but it was not ready to be used yet. Bummer as I would have loved that. I, Miss Kayla loves to swing.

After that we strolled down to Matthew’s Boundless Playground – it is a life-size Candyland playground.

Here is a pano view of the playground in the neighborhood that families stay during their Make-A-Wish trip. You can kind of see the different styles and colors of homes. I wish we lived closer to visit more often – use up my yearly days visiting. 

On our way back into the main village, we passed a few more things. I love the Ol’ Elmer the snoring tree. At night time, it has a light glow on it – it’s really cool and he sounds so funny. 

We went to the 24-hour ice cream parlor where I had Mint Chocolate Chip and loved it. It was white, not green, but definitely mint chocolate chip. It was pretty good too. I ate so much of it (twice as much than what you see in pic). I think I had this kind when I was there on my Make a Wish trip.

We went to the new store there and got a few things. It was a nice little store and wasn’t there back in 2012. We had such a nice time there and so relaxing. It was just nice being somewhere that we belonged. We ran into other families and it was lovely to be treated “normally”, the way we should always be treated but we aren’t. I’m sure they felt the same – in our community where we all belong and are treated just like anyone else, not labeled, not being reminded that we are different! It was just so nice being there! A very peaceful and comfortable day there.

We left to return to our hotel to have some downtime before we went to the Wilderness Lodge for dinner. Our driver picked us up and then again for our dinner time. We arrived at the Wilderness Lodge a bit early, but they were able to take us in. It’s a beautiful lodge.  Mom loved the wood style. It feels like it belongs in the mountains with snow all around. The Christmas tree in the lobby was HUGE! It was amazing and gorgeous!

Okay, so mom didn’t do all that great at capturing the Wilderness Lodge….

We went to a restaurant called Artist Point. This was the whole reason we extended our trip by one day as mom found out that Artist Point was going to offer a dinner with characters starting the day before we originally were supposed to leave (yesterday). Our original schedule wasn’t going to work with adding in this character meal, so we added an extra day on to make this work. Mom is so glad she didn’t cancel our reservation as she almost did several times. Why? Because it was a dinner with Snow White, two of the seven Dwarfs; Dopey and Grumpy, and the Queen. Now, when do you ever get to meet them (besides Mickey’s Christmas Party) and have dinner in the same room as them? Mom loves the Dwarfs and I, Miss Kayla enjoyed watching their movie, especially the Hi Ho Hi Ho part. So, we just had to go. Yes, this was more for mom, but it was still fun!

They sat us in a weird location and mom wasn’t sure why, but we made it work and it turned out to be a good spot for ME. Ya know, they really know what they are doing.. 🙂 We were positioned along the main aisle way where everyone walks in/out of the restaurant and we were about five tables in from the entrance, but it really did work out. The middle pic was just across from us (other side of aisle) and right pic was further into the restaurant from us. Open space area in-between. 

Our waiter was so nice – such a great experience. Besides the typical way things work at a character meal – characters just coming around to your dinner table to see you – here they also did little shows/skits with songs throughout our entire dinner which was really fun. That really made the evening.

Also, they had the Queen in one location in a photoshoot type setup (right across the floor from me),

so you got up when your waiter/waitress would let you know it’s your turn (those that followed the rule) to go see the Queen. She wasn’t all that great with me, was kind of freaky actually but she sure played her part well, very well. Mom doesn’t think I knew what to think of her, any of them for that matter.  Oh, the things mom puts me through. Lol.

Back to the dinner… so you choose your entree and then they have what is called “sharing appetizers and desserts” where they bring out just enough per person of appetizers (three of them) and desserts (four of them), all themed as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Ours was all one serving which was perfect since technically it was just mom but mom mentioned how I would be having a few bites of things which there was more than enough for that and the waiter said, “great, just let me know if you need any more of anything”. I, Miss Kayla really enjoyed tasting them and the soup for whatever reason really perked me up each time I would taste it. It was really good and I really liked it. It was a winter butternut squash soup.

Our appetizers:

Mom’s main meal (she got the prime rib so I could have the mashed potatoes n gravy (I loved), plus she hasn’t had red meat in many months): 


That was such a fantastic experience and good food! And the staff were wonderful! Highly recommended! Some pics with Snow White and Grumpy and Dopey… 

We had to wait for our cab driver, so we walked around the lodge shop, outside a little bit and around the lobby. There was a choir of carolers in the lobby singing Christmas songs, so we waited our last few minutes there listening to them until our driver arrived.  I seemed to really enjoy that and handled it well since it was quite crowded. Mom thinks the two quieter days really helped tonight.

Back to the hotel for our last night (Monday). On both Saturday and Sunday evening, mom talked to the front desk, a manager actually to find out how the luggage assistance worked because mom desperately needed assistance with all we had plus having to push me, and our hotel room was two buildings down the hill from the front of the lobby where our transportation would be picking us up at. We decided not to use Disney Magical Express transportation back to the airport as our cab driver offered, despite how early he would have to pick us up. Both managers and then the cast member that scheduled our luggage assistance time all confirmed that we were good to go and that they would be at our room to help at 4:30 am. Mom questioned them to double-check and even stopped by on our way to our room from dinner that Monday night to make sure and it was still good to go. Mom also had to find out where to leave the vest machine box for Fed Ex to pick up, etc. 

Well, 4:30 am. arrived and no one was at our room to help with the luggage. 4:40 am. and still no one. We had to meet our driver at 4:50 am. Mom called down three times and all she was told was they should be there any minute now. Mom waited until 4:45 am. and still no one. Mom looked outside to see if anyone was coming and saw no one. You can see pretty far up the path towards the entrance to the building where the lobby was and other services. So, luckily, mom had taken the Theravest box to the front the night before for Fed Ex, otherwise, this would have been worse. Mom figured out a way to carry all three pieces of luggage and two carryon bags and push Cubby and I. Not easy, not sure how she did it, but she did it. It took us twenty-five minutes to walk to the front (much longer than without luggage) and mom was furious. Needless to say, this was our first vacation with so many issues which was just weird.  

We got loaded up into the car for the airport and mom tried to speak to the lady at the front desk, but she was clueless and mom could tell it was going to do no good to speak with her about what happened that morning and no one else was around so early. Mom also figured it was over and done with and we were leaving, so she just let it go. Plus, we really needed to get on the road to the airport as we were already really late leaving.

We got to the airport and boy was it crowded with a lot of wheelchair users. There were a ton which mom had never experienced before in an airport, so mom thought maybe it was a special tour group or something. There had to be at least 50 wheelchairs in line (rows of lines) for security, all with security and TSA assistants. We had an assistant helping us get through which went really smooth. Mom got a cup of coffee on our way to the gate. Once the lady was at the kiosk, Mom let her know we were there for this flight and she said we would be one of the first ones to board and told us to wait over at the gate (door for boarding).

After a little while, mom noticed about 8 wheelchair users in the wheelchair line at the same gate we were to wait at. Mom thought, hmm, if we want bulkhead, we better get ourselves in position where the agent told us to wait as mom just had a gut feeling some of those others would want it too. Usually, mom wouldn’t mind, but because of my sensitivities, I was going to need all the extra room she could get for this five-hour flight. 

We got on board and as some of those w/c users were getting on, they made some comments like how dare we take the one row of bulkhead seats, etc., etc., etc. The flight attendant told mom to just ignore those comments and not worry about it, which mom did. They were not happy that we took “their” seats.

Moms plan for our return flight, since the only nonstop flight with Southwest was this early morning one, was for me to just sleep on the flight or at least half of it. Well, I tried. I also tried to just hang out and deal with what I was being put through then. It was a long flight and I also had blankets, a pillow, and sweatshirts to pad the sides of where I was sitting to prevent as many bruises as mom could. Mom really tried hard and it was pretty successful although I did end up with a few, but nothing like our flight going out there. I didn’t move much or hit anything, but mom thinks it was just the pressure of leaning my legs up against the very hard sides of the aircraft. Mom was so grateful I only had a few small ones.

Oh, and we saw our car parked in Park n Fly parking lot as we flew over quite low since its next to the airport. Pretty cool. When mom called the parking lot where our car was parked at to let them know we were ready to be picked up, mom was able to tell them exactly where they parked my car. Lol.. They drove our car to pick us up – pretty cool and so easy!

Mom learned a few things on the flight about how sensitive I am and my body is. Flying long distances is just not good for me and mom thinks even short flights aren’t a good idea unless we can come up with a better plan for me to feel more comfortable and more secure in airline seats. Maybe one every now and then and say for no more than 2 hours, but I would need to try it to know for sure. I really did good on the flights and you could tell I tried really hard to deal with them. Mom is so proud of me!

As mom was getting my chair ready for me to get into at the plane’s gateway door, Mom noticed about 15 wheelchairs sitting in a row up the ramp that you walk on to get off the plane to the terminal. Mom mentioned it to the flight attendant that they were there as mom and I were the last ones off the plane so everyone that came on with them didn’t seem to need them any more which mom found weird.  She said, “oh, none of those will be used as these people don’t need wheelchairs to get off, only on so they can use the benefits that come with them for boarding planes. It’s a game they play.” Wow, mom couldn’t believe it. Mom did but was very shocked. The flight attendant said it happens all the time.  Wow, didn’t know and something mom could never imagine doing. So wrong.

Mom and I were on our way to baggage claim – yay!

We were able to get our bags quickly and head out the door to wait for our car to arrive. Mom won’t tell you the conversation with the security guy outside at curbside – I will just say we were definitely back in Southern California. 

Our car pulled up, the driver handed us our keys and said, “you are all set, have a great day”. Mom asked if he needed a ride and he said he had someone picking him up and that we didn’t need to worry about it.  Wow! What a cool service! 

It was so nice to be back and knowing I, Miss Kayla would get a vest treatment or two that day at home was a good feeling for mom. Although, I was doing great!  

I was excited to be home. 

Mom learned a lot on this trip and she knows how she will approach our next couple of cruises and is making a plan for flights as we have one out of Florida again.  

Mom is not 100% convinced cruising is for me, but she says we will try another one and she will apply what she learned on this trip to it in hopes to make it a better experience for me, for us – although we had a great experience as is. We did have a lot of special moments on this trip and overall, we enjoyed it! Mom also thinks maybe some of the bad things are clouding her judgment and it really was okay. Anyway, we will definitely be cruising again as we have a few scheduled. I think mom will figure it out and all will be good! Hope you enjoyed this fun adventure of mine even with all the ups and downs and a few vents.

Until next time!


Miss Kayla

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