Pre Western Caribbean Cruise…. On the road…..

NOTE as some have asked mom about this… Mom is NOT manually taking photos while driving nor is she touching the phone… She is using a voice command to activate the camera on our phone to take the picture. Sometimes she will pull over to recompose a frame but she does shoot as wide as possible and then crop the photo after.  Mom would never put me, Miss Kayla, especially me, Cubby and her in danger.

Are you ready for another grand adventure of mine, Miss Kayla??? 

Thirty days before our cruises mom helps me make a countdown calendar for me to mark off as I count down the days to leave.  I, Miss Kayla thinks I made one for my Make-A-Wish trip as well, but can’t remember. Not sure why I haven’t made them for any of my other big road trips. I will have to start now.

Then it was time to check-in for our cruise days before we even left which is exciting making it feel more real.

So leading up to our next big trip, I, Miss Kayla was sick with a cold and then a respiratory infection but got better about a little over a week before we left.

Things were getting busy at my adult day program so mom wanted me to go as much as I could leading up to our trip.

The morning we were leaving on our trip my bus arrived outside my front door and my sweet bus driver gave mom a snowman box (gift) with some cookies and snowman slippers in it for me for our trip. So sweet and such a nice surprise. I, Miss Kayla LOVE my slippers and I actually keep them on. I wear them every evening I am home in my wheelchair. Mom said the cookies were good. They lasted a really long time on our trip too.


In preparation also for my, Miss Kayla’s big trip, mom made me a Dr. Seuss bag since Dr. Seuss and gang were going to be on the cruise I had to be in style.

Mom planned for us to be on the road by 1230pm Tuesday before Thanksgiving so we could get at least a six-hour drive in (plus stops) before stopping at the hotel which we planned to stay in Tucson, AZ. Well, mom parked at my program, got out of the car, manually locked it, shut the door when she realized the keys were in the car.  Mom just locked the keys in the car for the first time – well with this car anyway. Oh great. Moms phone was in the car as well as her wallet. She was only there to pick me, Miss Kayla up, so someone at my program called AAA for her and asked them to come which they did, but it took almost two hours for them to finally unlock my car. AAA almost gave up on my car because they weren’t able to get it unlocked. They couldn’t believe how difficult it was, but at the last minute when they tried one last time they finally got it opened. Thank goodness we were able to finally get on the road about two hours later.

I, Miss Kayla was so excited to be on the road, on our trip and on our way to Galveston, Texas for our cruise but we first had some adventures to do on our way.

We had some traffic, but once we were out of San Diego County it was smooth sailing and an easy drive to Tucson where we were staying our first night on the road. While driving to Tucson, we had a lovely sunset and I was vocal off and on and active all the way there. I, Miss Kayla LOVES Christmas music this year!!!!

Mom was a little concerned about me because my seizures have been acting up the last couple of days – more of them and more intense. Mom even emailed my neurologist which says a lot.  Here is the thing with trips and my seizures….. I have been known to show my excitement through my seizures but once we are on our trip my seizures usually settle down and get back to their baseline. However, you don’t know until later (after the fact) and you always have to consider that something else is going on in my body so mom was concerned and nervous. Mom did see quite a few seizures on our way to Tucson and my neurologist and mom worked out a plan.

We were finally at our hotel in Tucson and I watched Shrek on the hotel TV. I, Miss Kayla was so excited to be at the hotel and on the bed out of my chair.

Mom says I did really well in the car too for arriving so late. Over the last, so many years mom has tried to avoid late-night driving on long trips, not just for her sake but mostly mine as I couldn’t handle it well. Not this time, I, Miss Kayla did great! Mom thinks I was just so excited to finally be on our trip that I just didn’t care about the time.  We did get in at 9:30 pm Cali time.

Mom was relieved I had such a good day and that she got to see much of it after my program. Mom hasn’t been able to spend a ton of time with me since I had camp this past weekend and at my program during the week so it was hard for mom to really tell just how I, Miss Kayla was doing because what little time she had with me she didn’t like what she saw. It’s hard to get good reports from staff at camp and my program to truly know if she should be concerned or not.

The next morning (Wednesday) came and we got back on the road where the weather was COLD.

It started at 49 degrees but quickly dropped to 43 then 38 but the start of our drive was pretty out.

Pretty much stayed at 38-39 until last two hours of drive which then the temp dropped to 35.


Rain, gusty winds off and on – just a stormy day out. It wasn’t that bad of a stormy day, especially not what it could have been.

And guess what, mom is wearing shorts. Yes, that is right, shorts! And when we stopped to get gas, she got out in SHORTS to get gas – I, Miss Kayla told her she was crazy and that I was staying in the car!

I, Miss Kayla was awake most of the day; active, excited and just enjoying the drive. Oh and Christmas music. I slept quite a bit during the last part of our drive. Our destination today was Van Horn, TX.

Ya know the electronic signs that are on the freeways, highways with messages for drivers??? Well, there was a message for drivers in AZ on them but it was with a Thanksgiving theme twist which was really cool. Mom wasn’t expecting that so she wasn’t ready to hit the button when approaching the sign so she could get a photo but she sure was ready for the next ones (mom hoped there would be). The first sign said, “TO GRANDMA’S HOUSE WE GO, SOBER DRIVER IN TOW”.

Not long after the temp dropped and we hit gusty winds I needed to be changed. It wasn’t the best time as it was so cold but mom managed to keep me out of the elements as much as possible and I, Miss Kayla was very cooperative helping mom. Mom said, “thank goodness. Not sure how I succeeded but I did”.

From Tucson, AZ to Van Horn, TX going through NM there wasn’t much change in scenery. We didn’t get a pic of the AZ sign on this trip.

We finally arrived in Texas where it was still cold, windy and rainy.

We hit our first big city; El Paso where the architecture design of the overpasses was really cool. The architecture of the freeways, overpasses, etc was really nice, unique and cool. We hit some traffic going through El Paso but nothing like San Diego County so it was a breeze.

Kayla was still enjoying our drive and Christmas music.

At one of our gas stops, mom realized I, Miss Kayla was cold, like really cold to the point it could cause me to get sick, again. Mom was running the temp in the car like she always does for this kind of outdoor temp but she didn’t realize I was running on the cold side today so she has a feeling that I got too cold and probably coming down sick, again! We also don’t have the greatest car for ventilation so its really difficult to operate the temp, fan settings in my car especially for where I ride. And she has been concerned about the stop we had to make where it was really cold as she knows I got really cold then. Fingers crossed I, Miss Kayla am NOT coming down sick.

We arrived in Van Horn, TX which was pretty much in the middle of no where with very little around. It was down right cold (34 degrees) and luckily we stayed where we could just park outside our room so didn’t have to go far. Mom gave me a full bath in the bathtub where I could be completely merged in nice warm water! I loved it. I wish I could have this kind of bath all the time, but its really difficult for mom to give to me and not the safest so I really love it when mom does give them to me.

Here I am all tuckered out and warm from after my bath.

The next morning was down right cold as well, but it was sunny out. It was actually a gorgeous morning for Thanksgiving day but that didn’t last long. After about 30 minutes on the road we hit some pretty dense fog.

Mom was glad not a lot of people were out on the road – just quite a few semi-trucks. I was still running on the cold side and I seem to be sick – have a cold again (oh great).

We were headed to Marble Falls, TX for Christmas lights that evening but mom was thinking maybe we should just head straight for Galveston, TX and get as far as we can to get there sooner rather than later. It was going to be quite cold in Marble Falls, everywhere actually, so I wouldn’t be able to go out after dark to see the lights in this condition anyway or go to Morgans Wonderland in San Antonio tomorrow, so Mom was thinking that I, Miss Kayla needs to get as many treatments as I can, get out of the elements as soon as possible and stay out to get better for our cruise in three days. Mom thought maybe I could get vest treatments in the car while we were on the road today but when we tried the converter wasn’t strong enough to run the vest machine in our car so it failed. Not good. I, Miss Kayla needs more than just two (one morning, one night) treatments so now what. Mom had quite a few thoughts going through her head but it was also Thanksgiving and we were finding out that places are not open here like they are in Cali.

In California people know places like restaurants and gas stations and even some stores are open on Thanksgiving so mom never thought twice about Texas being the same… She was wrong. No stores (not that she tried, but saw as we drove by a few), no restaurants/fast foods were open and even a lot of gas stations were closed. The larger gas stations like truck stop ones were open, but the fast food/restaurants connected and or inside them were not. Wow. Mom said it was nice to see that as she always felt that employees that have places to be for Thanksgiving shouldn’t have to work, but those that don’t have anywhere else to be and its just another day for them its great they can work if they choose to do so. So mom had to wait a couple of hours to grab a cup of coffee as the coffee was horrible at the hotel that morning (And she is not too picky, but it really was bad). Luckily my car had enough gas for the first few hours of our drive too as the first few gas stations we drove by were closed.

So as the day went on, Mom realized I was sick and started to rethink our trip plans (continue thinking and acting on what she thought earlier) and do what was best for me which was to get me as well as possible as fast as she could. Plus mom says no one wants to be on the road not feeling well. Although, you would never know I was sick as I was still so excited and loving Christmas music! Mom still had a difficult time regulating the car temp and ME. That is one thing she really misses about our van as it was so much easier to regulate the inside temp and the ventilation was so much better and it was easier to take care of my needs and the vest machine worked in it.

Oh, back to the electronic signs that give drivers messages… We came across another one and it said, “FEAST YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD DRIVE SAFELY”.


Mom loves them both and even the one from yesterday. Ya know, I do too.

Going through Houston

Our day turned into a 12-hour drive but we actually arrived in Galveston later that evening. We were going to stay about 90 minutes from Galveston, but mom thought it would be better just to get there that evening so we could stay in a hotel room Friday and Saturday and focus on giving me as many treatments as possible to get me better. Mom figured if she could just get me to like 90% we could still go on the cruise.

It was windy, warm and very muggy in Galveston. Driving into Galveston mom saw that the elevation was 7 feet. Yup, 7 feet! That is like high tide at times. Driving along Seawall Blvd to our hotel, there was a wall along the shoreline that was probably seven feet high (who knows) but the tide line that night looked to be halfway up to it. The ground level of the hotel sits on higher ground but most of the parking is under the hotel and at street level which is as high as the wall along the beach. Hmmmm.. Mom found a parking spot at almost hotel level.

I, Miss Kayla was VERY patient waiting at the front desk to check-in as it was a little bit of a slow process. Mom first made reservations for Friday and Saturday nights but then changed it to just Saturday night as we were going to go to Marble Falls, TX (Thursday night) than San Antonio to go to Morgans Wonderland and arrive in Galveston on Saturday. But then when mom realized I was sick and we weren’t going to Marble Falls or San Antonio (Morgans Wonderland) but head straight to Galveston to arrive on Friday she made a reservation for Friday night.  So then she had two reservations for the same type of room for Friday and Saturday nights. No big deal. Well, driving to Galveston and once we got to where she thought we would stay that night she decided we would just drive straight to Galveston she made a third reservation for that night but all the rooms except one were taken. Earlier when she was tossing the idea she looked to see what the availability was there was like ten options for rooms but they were all gone when she needed to make a reservation. The one that was left was their smallest room and only one of them and it wasn’t what we had for Friday and Saturday. The lady at the front desk who was so nice (all the hotels have been very friendly and professional) – one thing I love about traveling outside of Southern California, she was trying to figure out what to do so I was being extra patient despite being very tired and just wanting to get out of my chair to bundle up in my blanket.  Anyway, we ended up taking the small room as we didn’t have a choice and mom always says, as long as my wheelchair can fit in the room that is all that matters. It was such a cute room (a corner room) but yes, very small and tight especially since it was suggested to bring in everything from the car. Its safe but not safe so we weren’t taking any chances. The plan was for us to move to another room on Friday (the next day) as soon as the guest check out of it and it gets cleaned.

Finally in my, Miss Kaylas hotel room, on the bed getting my vest treatment!

It was Friday morning and I was eager to get up and do something. Mom was like, oh great, that was not the plan Miss Kayla. About 10am mom checked on the room we were moving to (we already had keys to that room) to see what the progress was if any and of course the guests were still there with the “do not disturb” sign up. Oh well that was okay as we were in no hurry. I, Miss Kayla was just anxious to get up and do something though. And the weather was not a good match for me so mom needed to keep me out of it despite what I was wanting. Well, we needed to go to Walgreens to pick up a prescription that was there waiting for me to pick up. Not for me being sick but for my seizures as a safety measure.  The plan mom and my neurologist recently made.

I know it looks gorgeous out but it was VERY windy and the kind of wind that my body doesn’t agree with, so… This was the view from my hotel room.

Since the room we needed to move to was not ready, we decided to head out and told the front desk we would be back by 1230pm when my next set of treatments were due and could move into the new room once we return or anytime after that. The front desk said they were just waiting for guest to check out and mom told them no rush. We headed out in the chilly very windy weather for a drive to see what we see since we arrived in the dark. Yay, we are going out! Mom grabbed a cup of coffee as she wanted a good cup and we went to Walgreens to pick up my RX. I, Miss Kayla loved going into Walgreens and strolling up and down each aisle. I did great waiting in line for my RX as mom had to stand her ground to get my RX. Since they didn’t have my insurance info beforehand, they ran it as zero insurance which is fine. Well mom gave them my insurance info when she told them my name like we always do at a new place. So the lady who was very nice put the insurance in, ran it and it covered the medication but they couldn’t print out the new paperwork to go with the medication as their system was down so they wanted to transfer my prescription to another pharmacy in town for us to go get it at despite it sitting right there on the counter filled but because the paperwork didn’t have $0.00 on it now just the amount it would have cost without insurance they couldn’t give me the prescription until their system could print out new paperwork. Paperwork that mom would just throw away. Mom told them we were not going to another pharmacy and that we don’t need the paperwork, etc, etc, etc and that we were told we could pick it up anytime after Friday (yesterday) when mom called to confirm they received the RX a few days ago.  A manager came over and told the employee that they can just run the paperwork LATER and to give me, Miss Kayla my medication. Mom didn’t want me going from store to store out in this weather that triggers my respiratory when I am trying to get better, and to have to wait for another fill, etc. This is why you don’t rely on electronics! Mom totally gets it, but still, you have to be able to provide the service when you are open no matter what. If electronics crash at least be able to do it by hand the old fashion way.

Okay, enough of that… Back to my trip!! So we left Walgreens and realized we had about 45 minutes until I needed to be back to the hotel for my next round of treatments. We went for a drive to see what we see.

We mostly drove along Seawall Blvd that goes right along the ocean. Looking behind me and in front of me, but mom got out of the car and quickly took these two pics from next to the car.

There were a lot of businesses and homes that are on stilts which most places you park below the actual building. It makes sense especially those right on the beachside, but there were a lot across the street as well.

Ok, not the greatest pic to show what I was talking about but you can see how some first floors don’t start til higher up like in the Marriott building.

Many of the houses are narrow and tall.

There were a lot of roads that were being worked on, pipes being fixed/replaced. From the looks of it, from knowing what takes place here (hurricanes, flooding, etc) it looks like its a non-stop project – they are always working on it.

Then there were some houses that are built from the ground up, no stilts, etc like this one even though its an oceanfront home. Hmmm.

The ocean was that dirty brown color. Mom and I wondered if it is always that color or was it just that way now. Lots of traffic driving around but nothing like back at home. There were a lot of marshes or what looked to be something similar. Lots of water around so it seems like it wouldn’t take too much to have a flood.

Mom got to wondering if anyone has left on vacation, on a cruise like us and returned to your car being flooded. I, Miss Kayla thinks mom better make sure we park on higher ground when we park our car for our cruise to cruise if there is an option.

Cemeteries… Lots of them dating back to the early 1800s till just this year. So many beautiful tombstones, headstones, etc. Mom wondered how they survive past hurricanes, floods, etc. So much history in the cemeteries. And some were labeled catholic, old cemetery, new cemetery, and so on. Some only had an invisible line separating the specific cemeteries. We came across this one on our way back to our hotel.

We arrived back at the hotel and our new room wasn’t ready yet so we went back to our room and I, Miss Kayla started on my treatment regiment. A few minutes into it mom got a call from the front desk letting us know we can move to our new room anytime. It was perfect timing as mom moved us as I, Miss Kayla was getting my treatment. Then I did my second treatment in the new room as mom finished moving us. Our new room was so much better – more room. We didn’t realize how much better it was until we got in there because we truly could of stayed in the smaller room and made it work. We are good at making things work.

I, Miss Kayla got my treatments and then was like, “ok, mom what is next on our agenda for today”. Mom was like, “that wasn’t the plan”. It was still early in the day and so mom realized that I wasn’t going to tolerate hanging out in the hotel room for the rest of the day and then tomorrow morning so she knew it would be best to do something this evening to help with me tolerate a slower morning. Can you blame me? I, Miss Kayla am on vacation, in a new place and who wants to watch TV and play their toy for hours, go to bed and then watch TV and play with their toy for hours the following morning and getting all these treatments, etc? Ummmm not me!

One thing mom really wanted to do while we were in Galveston was the walking tour (a map she found online) of the tree sculptures. The weather wasn’t looking too bad, nor all that great but mom thought we could do some of the walking tour before sunset/dark and then maybe see if we could find some lights – stay out for an hour or two and then come back in but also just see how it goes.

So off we went to the neighborhood for the self-guided tree sculpture walking/strolling tour…  What is to come in a few:

We parked and started our stroll/walk and came upon this gorgeous church; Sacred Heart Catholic Church. We were waiting for the guys to leave but they never did so we moved on as we had so much to still see with only so much light left.

Trees in Galveston were damaged by Hurricane Ike that covered most of the island in a tidal surge. Yikes! Artists from around the island decided to save what little was left of many of the trees by turning them into tree sculptures. There are so many – we saw quite a few on our walk and then we saw some driving around and even on our way to the cruise ship we came across one. Some we couldn’t find that was on the walking map so maybe they were in the backyard of a home, a side yard buried in bushes, flowers, or something but we did come across three that were not even on the map. One place had a welcome sign on the low gate with a walking path that I, Miss Kayla had a feeling led to a sculpture from the looks of the map but mom and I were not comfortable just walking/strolling in. The sculptures that we did see were beautiful and so artistic. Here are some of our favorites ones out of all the ones we saw.

The neighborhoods reminded mom of Denver. Some beautiful large mansion-like homes, some medium-size and some small ones. Some historical, some very modern. You even found some Victorian style ones and even those that are narrow and tall with no space in between two of them. Mom can’t remember the name of them, but there was such a variety of neighborhoods. Quite a few historical homes from way back when that are now museums or closed off for viewing purposes and private tours only.

I, Miss Kayla strolled the neighborhood a few blocks in each direction mostly in the eastern historic district area or at least near there. Not 100% sure of the boundaries. 🙂 I really enjoyed it.

Mom had to really watch crossing the street and constantly looking for sidewalk cut outs because curbs were very high and uneven. It was strange that at a four-corner cross street only one or two of the sidewalks had the curb cutouts and when there were two they were diagonal from one another. Hmmm..

And you do NOT have the right away to cross or it certainly seem to be that way. And if you started crossing when no cars were coming and all of a sudden a car turned on to the street, they don’t care if you are crossing, they seem to own it and will continue zooming down the street so you better watch out. It is nothing like Cali where below will actually slow down and let you cross if they happen to stumble upon you as you are crossing.

We came across this sculpture with lights lighting it up just as it was getting dark and we were heading to a house near her to see the lights.

Oh and we did find a few houses with some Christmas lights – not many at all, but a few. 🙂

I, Miss Kayla had my lights turned on on my chair as it got darker. When it got darker it got windier and chillier so we made our way back to the car and headed back to the hotel. I really enjoyed our outing as did mom.

 The next morning came and guess what, it was Saturday, we were in a new place and I, Miss Kayla wanted to get up and go. Mom was like, really Miss Kayla??? Mom tried to have us have a slow morning as much as possible but I didn’t make it easy. So we got dressed and headed out the door. 🙂

Mom looked up Build A Bear stores to see if any were in the area as something for us to do today since the weather was crummy – hot due to humidity but I was cold and super windy. So mom found a Build a Bear store that was just a few miles from our hotel, but it was inside a Rainforest Cafe gift shop. Ok, whatever. So mom still took me but let me tell ya, its not a true Cubby bear store – its just not the same but I, Miss Kayla still enjoyed going. It was cool to see the fish tanks in the store. I got a new headband and Cubby got some glasses. Oh and they didn’t take my Build a Bear gift card so for once, I had to actually use my own money to pay – that was not too cool but that will be the same for when we go on our cruise, but that I was prepared for and I can use my Carnival gift card :).

Last night we tried to drive by the Lion tree sculpture but it was dark and they didn’t have lights on it so we couldn’t see it. Mom decided since it wasn’t that far from where we were at we should drive by again so we did.

Just around the corner from there, we came across a swordfish tree sculpture. Cool to see another one. It was very windy out so we didn’t get out of the car to stroll around, not that we were in an area to do so since we were in the area where sculptures are just one here, one there blocks/miles apart.

But there was another neat cemetery just around the corner which mom took a few photos of. The lighting was better and not as stormy looking as the day before. I, Miss Kayla fell asleep in the car so mom kind of took advantage of that and drove around a few cemeteries to take some photos of them. Mom couldn’t believe how such old tombstones and what not could survive everything Galveston has gone through and they were full of history.

Mom wanted to try to find a few more sculptures including this one that was just a block from the Cemetary

and we ended up at the tree sculptures near the Railroad museum which is right near the port so we kind of got to see where the cruise ships park. This area of town is supposed to be really interesting, historical part of town with shops and cafes but it was so windy and chilly out that mom didn’t want to risk me getting worse as she was having a hard enough time getting me well since I, Miss Kayla was not wanting to stay in. We will save this area of town for after our cruise or a future visit.

As we started to head back to the hotel, we came across a really old building (a church I believe), a library and the First Baptist Church in Galveston that we drove by.

Then guess what??? We went to Target. Yes, I, Miss Kayla got to go to Target in Galveston! Yay!

It was so much fun but after about 30 minutes I, Miss Kayla was ready to go. So back to the hotel we went plus it was time for my treatments.  Plus mom wanted to do one load of laundry before evening.

My treatments were done and I, Miss Kayla rested so it was time for another outing. Mom wasn’t crazy about that idea, but sometimes I just give mom no choice. Wasn’t sure what to do as we had done everything within reason so we headed to the car and mom thought it wasn’t too bad out so let’s stroll to the beach which was across the street and some. Mom prayed all would be fine as this isn’t the climate that I do well in and it irritates my system which is the last thing I needed. Off we went.  Yay! It was really cool as we were near the fishing pier, dock or whatever you call it. It was paved all the way out to the building / little pier so I strolled down it, went inside building and out on the wooden pier but only on the one side due to the winds. I, Miss Kayla loved it – it was really cool.

We were done with that and headed back towards the hotel. Mom didn’t want me to over do it and it was getting quite windy here so we went back to our room and mom looked up the weather forecast for the evening as she had an idea. Yep, I, Miss Kayla wasn’t going to just chill out in the hotel room the rest of the day. I, Miss Kayla stays on Cali time so there was still plenty of day left. 🙂

Mom decided we will go check out Moody Gardens for the one-mile walk/stroll through the Festival of Lights as she knew I would love it plus it was what we actually had planned. Yay! I was so excited to be going. It sounded so awesome. Mom made a few wrong turns but we finally got there. It was a little chilly and breezy at times (thank goodness nothing more). We got there when the entire “park” was open but we had to wait about 45 minutes before the Festival of Lights part of the “park” was open so we strolled around til then and found these Pandas and a Christmas tree.

So Moody Gardens is like a park of some sort maybe even considered an amusement park as they have all kinds of things. They even have an Ice Sculpture exhibit which has a ton of Ice Sculptures (theme every year) where you have to wear like an arctic suit to go through the huge exhibit since its really cold in there. Mom would have loved to of done it but due to the extreme cold there was no way I would stay warm even with two arctic suites. But mom did hear it was pretty AMAZING. They also have rainforest exhibits, aquarium, a hotel to stay in on the grounds and so on. We were there exclusively for the one-mile long display of Christmas lights.

Mom only took a few pictures of the displays usually when we were waiting to let a lot of people go by and open up some space around me so I could enjoy it more. You would think by the amount she posted below it was like all of them, but there were so many she only did a few so she could enjoy it with me. So, here we go:

I, Miss Kayla loved the display of Christmas lights. It was really cool and so many.

I know this isn’t the greatest photo but I had to show this one separately because here I, Miss Kayla am in front of Sponge Bob and Patrick… I just love Sponge Bob.. He is so funny along with his friends..

There was even a Christmas tree of lights set to music, to Christmas music which I loved. Mom let me sit there watching it for two to three songs and then I was ready to move on. 🙂


It was a little too long for me as I was tired through the last part. Mom was also getting concerned about how long we had been out and the cool breeze at times. She prayed I hadn’t overdone it. There was also ice skating there. It really was cool and a great way to end our time in Galveston. I wouldn’t mind going back again if we ever end up in Galveston during the holidays.
Back at the hotel…. I, Miss Kayla am still sick but mom said stable enough to go on our cruise as long as she stays on top of my treatments and is cautious.


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