Sunday 2021 Knotts Berry Farm Boysenberry Festival

(feel free to click on each image to see them larger)

Mom and I, Miss Kayla decided to go to Knotts Berry Farm Boysenberry Food Festival. We really had a good time on Thanksgiving at that one we couldn’t wait to go to another one. So today was the day…

Well I, Miss Kayla was so excited to go that I didn’t sleep much last night. I woke up and was so excited. Mom gave me my treatments and I had breakfast while mom got us packed up and ready to go including herself ready. Mom was tired…

We were finally on the road and running a tad early surprisingly as mom had a lot to do.

I was wide awake all the way to Knotts. I just couldn’t wait to get there. 

Ok, back to my day at Knotts.. 🙂
We got there a little before they opened so mom took her time getting everything ready and we slowly strolled over towards the entrance just about the time they were opening. Mom saw the LONG line that went to the parking lot of people waiting to get in and not really social distancing. Mom knows of this one way to walk over to the entrance to avoid the main path and walk where no one is. We ended up over by where the two police cars park next to the entrance on a road that is closed off so no one else is walking around – just us. Mom had us stroll around for a little while until the line was just at the entrance which we waited about 10-15 minutes after they opened before we got in at the end of the line. Thankfully they let us go down this special entrance line so we didn’t have to get in the main line which meant we didn’t have to walk through the little building either. Mom was so glad since we are trying to avoid people (lol) and indoors. It only takes a minute at the most to stroll through the building but still. Oh and today was the first time I, Miss Kayla got to go through the security screening that everyone else walks through. Usually I have to go around and then mom goes back through. Nope! I went through with mom. It was really cool. Got through the entrance and off we went. The photo above is just there at the entrance but it was pretty crowded when we entered we took that photo on our way out.

It looked like a lot of people were here which were all the people in line ahead of us. 🙂 Most people were heading into Ghost Town or this other area so once again we headed to Camp Snoopy which is mine and mom’s favorite area so no complaints.

We found an employee to ask about what characters were out and what time.. This nice young man gave us all the details – Snoopy (Bunny Beagle), Sally, Charlie Brown and the Easter Bunny.. 🙂 So off we went to see what we see and what food we find that is doable (doable in terms of safety getting (no lines) and what I like)…

Woodstock was pretty cool in the “river”….

We saw where Snoopy was going to be but he wasn’t out for another 30 minutes so we continued on. We came across Charlie Brown who was hanging out with employees so yep, we went straight for him since no one else was there..

“Hi Charlie Brown”

Remember how this next photo the scene was all Christmasy??? Well now it is all Eastery.. 🙂 Yep, my, Miss Kayla new words..

We came across a food place that had no one in line that had Boysenberry Pie with whip cream. Mom planned to get that for me as she knew I would like it and something I could eat, so she got me one. Since I can only eat puree food and mom didn’t bring my blender (she was thinking about it and just find a plug to plug it in), so I got yummy blueberry and whip cream. Crust isn’t good for ya anyway. It was really yummy..

It was time for Snoopy to come out so we strolled back towards Snoopy when we saw that Sally, Charlie Browns sister was now out with no one there so we stopped to say hello to Sally first.

Mom took a picture of Woodstock in the fields on our way to see Sally…

“Hi Sally”… 

Still making our way over to where Snoopy is, we stopped to see some of the fun decorations…

I, Miss Kayla arrived to see Snoopy at an Easter Bunny.. Isn’t he just so cute??

“Hi Snoopy”

Now mom and I, Miss Kayla was off to find the actual Easter Bunny. We were told he was in the back of the park up in the theater (outside though).. Hmmmm.. Not exactly sure where that is, but we were on our way to find it.
We stopped for a few minutes to watch this show on the screen. It was pretty cool..

Yay, we found the Easter Bunny.. We strolled up the long ramp up to the top where the Easter Bunny was. There was just one couple waiting so we stayed far back and went up when they were done visiting with the Easter Bunny. No one came after us which was nice. So I got to see the Easter Bunny..

“Hi Easter Bunny”

When the sun is in my eyes, I always close them.. 🙂
After I, Miss Kayla said goodbye to the Easter Bunny we strolled around some more and tried to find a food place with no lines and something I could eat. We found a place and they had veggie chilli which mom heard was good and she figured I could eat some, so I got some Chilli. I got upset that mom was only giving me the broth as I wanted more so mom mashed up some of the soft carrots for me. 🙂 Did you know that I, Miss Kayla LOVES carrots?? I do.. So I was happy for that. Mom also smashed up a few other things and found some small things I could handle so I enjoyed the Chilli. However, I didn’t get as much as I was wanting but I was okay with that, I think. 🙂

After we had the chilli we strolled around some more and went over through ghost town. There were huge blueberries/blackberries all over the place.. 

Mom had several talks with me all week, last night and this morning about how she needed me to wear my mask and only let her take it off when I could. Mom didn’t realize I was like, “ok mom, I will” 🙂 because mom was so proud of me as I did really well. I only protested just a tad a couple of times, but nothing like what I usually do – fight with her, end up getting upset and crying and refuse to wear it 110%. Mom was so proud of me today… 🙂 

We ended up leaving much earlier than we had planned but it was just too crowded for us and we saw everything. I, Miss Kayla would have loved to get more food, but next time.. 

Miss Kayla

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1 Response

  1. Cridtine Varney says:

    Suvh a treat to see you guys enjoying all the lovely sights. Characters and Food!!! What a Great Outing!!!! Hugs n Smiled

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