The Polar Express……..

all photos with our phone – it had a difficult time with constant change of lighting….. 

For several years, mom has kept an eye out for a Polar Express train adventure that had spots for wheelchair users like me, Miss Kayla but kept hitting dead ends. She even tried the two locations in Texas we would be near or in while on our recent trip but still no wheelchair accessible ones. Then mom got word that The Polar Express was coming to Southern California to Fillmore and Perris so mom checked it out and saw that Perris offered wheelchair accessible spots on each of the cars they were using. Fillmore didn’t have any which was kind of a bummer as mom grew up in Fillmore and me, Miss Kayla lived there for a short time when I was a baby so she thought it would be cool to have been able to ride it there but that is okay as Perris gave us a new place to go to. 🙂 Then mom decided it would be really neat to do it after dark on Christmas Eve since we had no other Christmas plans so she made our reservations. 

The weather was not looking good for Christmas Eve and every time we checked it was looking worse and worse… I went to camp the weekend prior since Santa was going to be there and I hadn’t been in a long time due to our trip so I needed to catch up with my friends.  The weather was really nice but again, I had to go to camp which I had so much fun at. Sundays weather was still pretty decent and mom looked into tickets at the very last minute and saw there was open space on the 4:30pm Polar Express train departure so she booked our tickets and we were off.

The drive was pretty easy and just over an hour away and since it was a Sunday meant not much traffic – thank goodness.  I was so excited to be going somewhere.

We arrived, parked, got my jacket on, put blanket on my legs as it was quite chilly (60 degrees and overcast). We got our tickets including our Golden Ticket and headed to the white tent to where you go to wait to board. There were some Christmas and Polar Express displays up to take your photo at.

We went outside where a lot of people were and met with one of the conductors about boarding. He instructed me that they will board everyone first and then me. That was fine as that gave mom and me some time to explore (not that there was much, but still).  And then the preboard show started (it was only a few minutes long).

It was my time to board – yay! Everyone was so nice at the train. I got on the lift and up I went and into the car (train). Everything was decorated for Christmas – such a beautiful setting and my spot was at this end of the Northern Lights car.

The show started – I loved it. I had a hard time seeing a few things, but I still had a great spot and I was included just like everyone else. 

However, I, Miss Kayla didn’t get any hot cocoa (I was offered some though), but I did get a snickerdoodle cookie and a bell from Santa.

There was dancing, singing, story telling, Santa, the conductor, the Polar Express boy and so many others.

Finally arrived at the north pole where we saw elves dancing around……

I, Miss Kayla am holding my bells that Santa gave me. 

Mom nor I have seen the movie or read the book which we now must do.

I, Miss Kayla got a Polar Express blanket and have already used it this week going to/from home to my adult day program as its been cold. I really like my blanket.

Both mom and I wore our pajama / lounge pants. Everyone wore pajamas and a few even wore slippers. I wore my like ugg boots but mom didn’t. It was an hour long train ride to the north pole where we saw dancing elves. 

Here is a short clip from The Polar Express… 

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Miss Kayla

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