UHS #2, #3

Hello friends..

So mom decided to take me back to Universal Studios. Our first trip to Universal Studios Hollywood you can see here…

FYI… Links to the rest of this journey can be found at the bottom of this post.. 🙂

We ended up getting passes which they let us use our first visit tickets towards our passes (so nice of them) so after our visit today, our next ones will be free. I, Miss Kayla really enjoys Universal Studios Hollywood and despite the horrific drive getting here and returning home, its worth it. Mom is going to try to take me, Miss Kayla a few more times before restrictions lift (June 15th) or shall I say, in case they do lift which mom has heard they probably will :(. 

Mom and I, Miss Kayla headed to my favorite ride and so far the only ride I can go on; The Secret Life of Pets only to find out it is not open and is going under maintenance service. Oh man we came all this way to have my ride be down. Well, we met a really nice guy name David (come to find out there is like 4 Davids’ in this area) and he told mom about the Minion ride how I could go on it. So once that opened we tried it. We were like #5 that went in and my entrance was different than the other 4 so that was good.

Then when we entered the same area as the rest of the people mom made sure she kept us far from them. And yes, I, Miss Kayla was doing a great job at wearing my mask.

Unfortunately, for me, it is a stationary vehicle to where the others go through all the motions so I, Miss Kayla could of cared less about it but it was cool to go on at least once.

When you get off the Minions and go through the exit you end up in a store so mom let me look around and do some shopping. You also end up in front of these funny mirrors – difficult to capture the effect on camera..

She found me a few things that were on clearance so I scored. Ya know, my body decided to choose the year of the pandemic to grow after not growing in like 10+ years so I needed some new shirts and such. 🙂 Good reason to shop. And this store like a lot of park ones is half indoors where some sides have walls and other sides are wide open so good ventilation. 🙂 Ya know, that is critical these days.  I really liked Fluffy, the Unicorn. 

Ok, so back to checking on the Pets ride since its right next to the Minion ride and its still down with no ETA. 🙁
We passed by the Minion Cafe on our way to Pets..
Another goal of ours today was to try ButterBeer since we didn’t know about it last time. Our friend told us about it so we went over to Harry Potters World to try it out. Despite the pavement being cobblestones which means bumpy for me I really enjoy going through Harry Potters World.. 🙂 Mom says we have to be careful with a lot of bumpy strolls and such due to my seizures. We don’t want to cause any. I, Miss Kayla was like, “whatever, mom “. Some scenes on our way to get Butterbeer. 

I enjoyed having some of the ButterBeer. It was a cold slushy like drink.. It was chilly out so a bit cold to drink but it was still good. I think this would be better on a hot day. Like our first day we came here but didn’t know about it.

Have I told you how I LOVE to get things to eat at parks? I sure do… 

Afterwards we strolled a new way through Harry Potter World

and ended up stopping in at the Studio Tours so mom could ask a few questions. She is just not sure if I, Miss Kayla can handle it due to some of the motion effects they have in place for the ride. The movement can be pretty intense so mom is going to go home and watch the videos. We watched one of them but mom just isn’t sure yet. Then we continued on and ended up in Simpsons land as we made our way back over to the Pets ride to check on the status of it.

Nope, Pets ride still down. It was almost time for lunch and mom decided we would try the Minions Cafe since it has Tomato Soup for me. We waited for them to open and we were like the 3rd ones in. I, Miss Kayla waited at a table while mom went in to get our food. Mom got a sandwich and I got Tomato Soup and Minion Pudding. I loved both.

Mom decided we should go have lunch in our quiet spot that overlooks the city. People do come to the overlook but not many just one here and there..

After we ate we went back to check on the Pets ride and guess what?? It was still closed. 🙁 I, Miss Kayla was so bummed as well as mom.

We decided to head out and get on the road to have minimal traffic issues going back home. UHS starts getting crowded anyway in the upper lot in the afternoon so.

On our way out, we saw Hello Kitty.


We are back to try this again…. Yay! UHS trip #3… I, Miss Kayla was so excited to get up super early (330am) to get ready and head out for Universal. 

Mom and I, Miss Kayla arrived a tad early but actually turned out to be a perfect time.

We had to wait for the gates to open. Stacey, the nice lady monitoring the lines let me keep my mask off and hang out away from the line.. Mom and I were first in our line :).. I, Miss Kayla was so excited to be going again.. 

While waiting mom took a picture of me in front of this sign just slightly over from the lines where no one was either.. Allowing me to move around helps me tolerate the waiting in lines. 

So we finally entered the park  


headed to The Secret Pets of Life ride and so far so good. It was not closed, but it wasn’t open yet as it doesn’t open until 9am. Yay! We ran into an employee and they said all is good. 🙂 

Mom and I, Miss Kayla spent some time exploring trying to find new photo opps. 🙂 Yep, mom just has to always take photos. Ugh… 

Today they had the water on in the splash zone area. Pretty cool.. 

Then we strolled over to Harry Potter World going through France while waiting for the Pets ride to open up. You can cover a lot of ground in a short time here.. 

We hadn’t strolled through this aisle way yet so it was cool to do today. 

Mom really likes the architecture in Harry Potters World. 

Yes!! FINALLY!! I, Miss Kayla and mom are on The Secret Pets Life ride…. This is such good vision therapy for me..  

Mom tried to capture some scenes that she missed the last time.. 

This part is soooooo WINDY! 🙂 

Mom took me around the outside of the Splash zone. We made it with just a few drops on us. 🙂 

It was just about lunch time. Mom brought us both sandwiches for lunch. She brought me, Miss Kayla a ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mustard pureed sandwich. I loved it. We found a quiet place in this other area today. Since it was somewhat early for lunch, there was only one other table being occupied. Plus it was further from most eating places so I think people go there if they can’t find another spot or want quiet, away from others like mom and I do.


After lunch I, Miss Kayla got to see Hello Kitty since she was out and we were strolling past her so I stopped to say hello and get a photo with her. 

And then back to the Pets ride. 🙂 🙂 Yay! This is me in the que on my way to get on the ride. 

After the ride, we saw that a Minion was out so we went over and said hello and got a picture with it. Sorry, mom can’t remember their names. She should since she loves them but she doesn’t. 

Then after we said hello to the Minion we decided to head out and get on the road before traffic got too bad. It was a great day at UHS.. 🙂 These half days are perfect. 

Mom did bring me back one more time before the state reopens and protocols are dropped. That will be in a post of its own as we went on new adventure that day.. So check it out to continue the UHS adventures. 🙂 

Until next time, 
Miss Kayla

Links to other parts of this journey:

First Trip

Second & Third Trip

Fourth (last) Trip 


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