What I have been up to since January 2020 and before isolation….

Well, can you believe that another several months have gone by since my last post on “what I have been up to”??? I, Miss Kayla and mom just couldn’t believe its been since January… At least it was January of this year and not like January 2019. Lol.. 🙂 So, here I, Miss Kayla am again with another “what I have been up to” post.. Been so busy during those months (January, February, March) and time is flying by so fast.. I am only going to update you up until mom and I went into isolation as I am going to try to do a separate post on that.. So let’s get started.. 🙂 Mom is so busy with me being home 24/7 now that she is having a hard time finding time for anything else and I am not crazy about her being on the computer, even to do my blog.

In January I, Miss Kayla finally had a day out on the town via trolley to run some errands. Mom and I drive up to La Mesa area and catch a trolley there and this time we went to Santee, one of my favorite places to go to on the trolley. Lots of great little shops and even Target; my favorite store. There are several outdoor shopping centers to stroll around do window shopping and or run errands to get what we need before we head back to the car via trolley.

Mom has been wanting to take me to LA Zoo nights over the holidays as it sounds like its really cool and the pictures mom saw from friends this season looked really cool. Its been hard to find time to go due to weather, we weren’t home for a couple of weeks and traffic makes it hard to go during the week plus I have school. Well, finally a night we could go that the weather wasn’t going to be too bad for me and so we went. We drove up and checked in at our hotel since we needed to stay the night.. Mom didn’t want to drive home that late plus it is much more fun to stay the night at a hotel. 🙂 We chilled out for a little while and then headed to the zoo for night lights. Yay! I, Miss Kayla was so excited. We get to go to the LA Zoo at night. 🙂 Since there is just too much to post for our night there, mom and I, Miss Kayla decided to make a separate page for it, so please click here for it. 🙂

But the next morning, we got up and went to the LA Zoo before heading home. Yay! The first thing I, Miss Kayla did was get my face painted because I love having that done and its been months, like many months since I had it done last and I had never gotten it done before at the LA Zoo so… 🙂

Remember the chimp kids mom has been photographing over the years…

Here is Kima; the youngest of the girls (she will be 7 this April – WOW) who is known as a gymnast and a feisty girl with no fear – at least in moms book. Mom wonders if this is still the case? She wasn’t sure as she hasn’t been able to see them as often as she used to so she will have to wait until we visit them again and hope she is more active. Kima was cuddling and napping with her mom; Gracie most of the early afternoon today. Gracie, just turned 33 in January.

Mom almost didn’t recognize her – she was always so easy to ID… She has filled out in her face and looks so grown up. She has lost that little baby face she had for so long and has finally grown in height thinning out like Zuri did a few years ago.. Kima has always been very photogenic!

Strolling around the zoo was so much fun… It had been a while since I, Miss Kayla have been there and its just been a fun weekend… 🙂 And yes, I am happy in this photo – just caught me in between a smile and serious look.. 🙂

I, Miss Kayla got to feed Phil the giraffe. I LOVE to feed him. It is so much fun. I am watching mom put his food in my hand so I can give it to him.

Last night mom and I, Miss Kayla found out that I could ride the carousel. What?!?! We have been coming here for over 20 years (mom since she was a child) and just now finding out I, Miss Kayla can ride the carousel. So I went on it last night for the first time and then mom let me ride it again today. Yay!

I was so tired after my busy weekend, I fell asleep on the way home – plus sitting is traffic is no fun. I like to be moving, especially fast. 

There are times where I really want my nails done and so I was pretending to be asleep so mom would do them. She knew I was still awake and so proud of me for holding my hands still so she could do them. Then she did my toes which I fell asleep by then, but still kept them still. 🙂

Sometimes I, Miss Kayla just knows where we are like this evening… My day started driving to my dr appts in LA and then Ventura. My last appt was canceled so we headed back home earlier than planned. We met our old Disney friend in Downtown Disney for an early dinner, take a break from the car and so I could take Cubby to Cubby store to lose some weight. She gained too much on our cruise. Well, guess what??? Cubby store no longer exists in Downtown Disney! It was my favorite store – so unique – I was so disappointed. Then I was disappointed because we left without going to Disneyland / Cali Adventure Land. I knew we were in Mickey town… Mom didn’t think I would notice where we were but some places I never forget and am good at expressing it!. Mom, you know how long it’s been since I’ve been?????? Wayyyyyy too LONG!  it’s just not my, Miss Kaylas day…. But we did have a wonderful visit w our friend and dinner.

Cubby store used to be behind me in this pic…

In January mom dropped Cubby and I off at weekend camp and then she went out with a friend to photograph the full moon. Mom hadn’t been out in a while to do any photography so it was good she did. Here is her photo:

I, Miss Kayla had so much fun at camp in January. I was so excited to see my two best friends on Friday when mom dropped me off. Mom couldn’t believe how excited I was but she loved it and it makes it easier for her to leave me. Mom picked me up on Sunday (early like always) and we went to Cubby store so Cubby could lose some weight and get a Valentines dress. That was a lot of fun.

Mom, Cubby and I, Miss Kayla went to the Safari Park. I had so much fun and guess what???  Mom actually watched and took a pic of this snake….. I, Miss Kayla 💙s snakes (reptiles)…

One of our friends had been posting so many adorable photos of this Tree Kangaroo so mom finally gave in and renewed our membership and we went to the park.  Isn’t she cute???

Oh and I, Miss Kayla loves to have mom do my hair at times. When I don’t, I definitely let mom know. So, I really wanted my hair done for the park..

Then the next time I went to camp (yay) – I go about once a month mom went whale watching.. Here are her pictures…

First up we have the Pacific White Sided Dolphins…

Gray Whales in the next two…

Then mom met up with her friend from LA and a few from SD at the zoo. Here are her photos..

Sometimes mom picks me up from my Adult Day Program and we will run errands or go somewhere for a walk like on this day the weather was finally nice enough to go for a walk by where I used to live to visit my goat friends. I was so excited as I hadn’t seen them in such a long time! I really miss my goat friends..

I, Miss Kayla and mom strolled all the way down to the shopping center this evening to pick up some veggies and fruit at Ralph’s than we had a light dinner at the Mexican food place which u see me at in pic. Mom got me some guacamole – I 💜 guacamole. I wish mother nature would let me do this every evening.

Our friend from LA was still in town so mom and I met him in La Jolla at sunrise..

Here are a couple of moms photos of the Sea Lions and Harbor Seals.

The weather was so nice one weekend for one day that mom and I, Miss Kayla and Cubby went to Sea World.. Our weather has been one really nice day then 6 crummy days then one nice day and so on. So we took advantage of the really nice day… I hadn’t been in a long time, well since the last time I blogged about it. It was a great day and I got to see so much. Mom said I did really good looking at the fish, turtles and such swimming – good vision therapy for me. I got wet by the Bottlenose Dolphins.. I love being up against the glass to see them come really close to me. Its just sad! 🙁  Here, I Miss Kayla and Cubby holding my ticket waiting to get in.. 🙂

Oh and I have a new friend…….

I, Miss Kayla did so good at my new dentist this morning here in San Diego county. It is just a few miles if that from my Adult Day Program. How great is that?!?! Mom is beyond proud of me!! There are no words for how proud she is!! She still can’t believe I can go to the dentist like her, you, many others – never thought possible!!. I no longer need to be put under anesthesia through day surgery (almost two years now) and because of that, I’m able to get a dentist here. I’m taking a little catnap in the pic while mom and our friend have breakfast.  Excuse my dry lips – mom put my lip moisturizing balm on AFTER she took photo..

I, Miss Kayla thinks its soooooooo FUNNY that mom has to pick up the sheet, blanket and comforter off the floor to put back on the bed…. um it wasn’t me…

Since it was Valentine’s mom painted my toes while I, Miss Kayla was in my wheelchair. I do let mom pain my toenails and fingernails when I want them done.. 🙂

So one of our San Diego Zoo gorillas moved up to the Los Angeles zoo. Ndjiri and Kelly the silverback there had a baby in January so mom and I decided to go to the LA Zoo for the day. We got there just as it was opening so we didn’t get there early like we usually do, but that is okay. We went straight to the Gorillas hoping to beat the crowd, but a few people were already there. It still worked out great. About every 15 minutes or so Ndjiri and her baby girl would be on the move and there was a pattern all day so when she would go out of view people would just leave but mom and I and a couple of others would wait till she moved again usually within 10-15 minutes.

After mom got a few good shots we went strolling through other areas of the zoo like the Chimps.

We hung out there for a little while and then we went back to the Gorillas and same thing.

Mom got some more photos and decided we were done with them for the day so we went off exploring the rest of the zoo before heading out. One of our friends that we usually run into at the LA Zoo mentioned to mom about this adorable baby Owl. Mom and I, Miss Kayla was not expecting it to be so big…

I got to feed Phillip which I loved. Since I had to wait in line for about 20 minutes by the time it was my turn to feed Phillip, I got upset as I ran out of patience so I was upset during the first set of leaves I gave him. Mom took me aside for a minute and I calmed down and was ready to feed another set of leaves. 🙂 I really love to feed Phillip his Eucalyptus leaves. Here is a collage mom made of me looking at some dragon, crocodile, something that likes water as it is in the water and as we were strolling around. The bottom left is us waiting at the Gorillas for Ndjiri to reappear. 🙂 Oh and I, Miss Kayla was in the mood to just hold Cubby today. I wouldn’t let mom take her from me so mom just let me hold her.

Mom also took me on the carousel on our way out. I loved it!

It is so cool that I now have things to do at the zoo besides just hanging out with mom and strolling around which trust me, I love but now I have more just for me! So mom has her chimps I have my giraffe feeding and carousel. 🙂

So every year before the El Centro Airshow the Blue Angels comes a few weeks early to prepare for their show. Mom forgot all about it this year and then she saw some friends posting their photos from the practice sessions so then mom and I went with some friends to their practice two Saturdays in a row. We only stayed for the morning practice both days as the wind would pick up making us having to leave before the afternoon practice. I, Miss Kayla loved going! It was so much fun to get up really really early and head out the door when it was still dark to drive out there. Here are some photos and some really cool short video clips.

This is from the first Saturday we went…

The first Saturday mom and I, Miss Kayla oh and Cubby too went to see the Blue Angels practice the Thunderbirds were there too – it was their leaving day to go to their next destination. While the Thunderbirds didn’t practice that day, unfortunately, we did at least get to see them depart. This is one of the single planes that took off. They have 4 that fly together then 2 singles.

Here are a few of mom’s photos from the first Saturday..

While we were waiting for the Thunderbirds to fly and or depart mom and I, Miss Kayla went for a 4×4 stroll to look for Owls.. It was a lot of fun. Our first time through the Owl area none were home, but when we went back through a little later, one of them was home. 🙂

I, Miss Kayla have been needing my hair to be done. I needed a cut and streaks of color but mom only does the streaks so she did. She was hoping she wouldn’t have to do a two-process on my hair so we first tried to do just the streaks of color that evening after we got home from the practice.


Well, they didn’t quite come out so the next day mom decided to do the first process on my hair thinking she would do the two processes over two days. Well, I, Miss Kayla had different plans. 🙂 Mom did the first process and I was like, okay mom, time for the second process. Mom thought she would only be able to do a few of the pink streaks but she kept going since I was allowing her to do so. Guess what??? Five hours later mom was done with both processes and I, Miss Kayla loved it. I just hung out in my chair while mom did my hair. I wanted it all day in one day, none of this two days stuff.  🙂

Yes, I, Miss Kayla helps mom hold things that she needs to use. I LOVE to help mom do things.

 I let mom do so many strands, more than I ever have.

Yay, my hair is done! See how cool it is! I, Miss Kayla LOVES my hair!!! I finally got it done..

Back to the Blue Angels practice, last one before the airshow. Mom nor I will be going to the airshow since we get to see the Blue Angels practice.

Unfortunately, the wind picked up just after the morning practice so mom and I had to leave. Our friends stayed for the second practice which they said it was really windy.

I, Miss Kayla came home from my day program one day with my hair in a french braid that my teacher did. I, Miss Kayla loved it as did mom! Sometimes I let my teacher do my hair or mom but when I don’t want it done I definitely tell them I don’t..

And sometimes I let mom do my hair for the day. One was before she put pink streaks in my hair. And one of them is a braid on my right side which is the first time I have let mom do that side of my hair.

Mom went to the zoo one morning to see the baby Lemur twins that she heard about. The other twin is tucked under moms arm in the front there.

 I, Miss Kayla had a hard time finding a shirt at Castaway Cay (Disney Cruise 2018) and in Costa Maya (Carnival Cruise 2019) so mom made me a shirt from each place. I helped mom too.

So, this Coronavirus was becoming a real issue in California by this time and mom wasn’t sure if I should continue going to my day program, let alone camp. Well, mom decided to go ahead and send me to camp since it was going to be a fun St Patricks weekend celebration but figured it would be the last time for a while. She dropped me, Miss Kayla off at camp – I was so excited to go and see my friends but two hours later mom got a phone call from the director asking to please pick me up by 6pm as the center was closing until further notice. Mom was planning to do some errands over the weekend to stock up on some craft things for us to do as she expected to go into isolation mode so mom made a quick trip to Michaels before picking me up and figured she would just do an online order of what she couldn’t find there. Mom arrived and I was wearing my hot St Patricks Day glasses and my necklace but you can’t see the big shamrock on it.

Hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this next journey in life. Until next time…

Miss Kayla & Cubby

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